The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Great idea, dude. I'm totally still high off of Sunday's Nile show in San Francisco.
They are truly one of our best bands. Naturally, it's a small niche of specialized technical death metal—I mean, jees: Slim's? Not even a hall. Thankfully, though, as it was intimate, sold-out and ecstatic. The relationship/exchange, if you will, between Nile and everyone in the fucking room was awe-inspiring.
Nile is all about musicianship, developed and evolved to the highest degree. There's seems to be almost nothing Karl and Wade can't do. And they boast one of the best drummers in metal, George Kollias. It was their 20th anniversary show, so the mood was especially inspired. All about the music, the concept. No lights, costumes, hair. No strutting, no exaggerated moves.
The same clothes as always. But a richness of musical ideas, flowing non-stop at break-neck speed and proficiency. To watch Karl and Wade trade chorus after chorus of supreme guitar solos is a sight to withhold. To hear Wade vocalize in, practically jazz-scat, death-growl, is glorious. And Karl's deep uberbaritone growl is just plain death-defying. I told Karl after the show (he's so fucking gracious that he hangs out on stage and connects generously with the adoring people that feel his immense warmth, energy, humility, sharing laughter and words) that Nile is almost classical in structure and dimension. It's certainly not easy listening, thankfully. I got to tell them how much they've enriched my life here on this strange, fucked up world. Todd said, "that's why we do it".
I'm currently really digging lamb of god and inflames' most recent albums.
Resolution and sounds of a playground fading, would recommend to any groove/thrash lovers
The entire album isn't their worst, it's definitely better than Soundtrack to Your Escape and Reroute to Remain, but 3 or 4 songs have almost identical intros. Still, Enter Tragedy has a great leading riff.

And yeah, I'm not a big fan of Resolution. The tracks I remember after playing it like 5 or 6 times are: Ghost Walking, Straight for the Sun, Desolation, The Undertow, Guilty and King Me. Bad score as for an album with 14 tracks + 2 bonus tracks, Digital Sands and Bury Me Under The Sun. The second one should be added to the main album, really don't have a clue why it wasn't there.
jammin' to some underrated hardcore bands lately like Counterparts, Continents, Worthwhile, etc.

Continents just put out a video I though you guys might wanna see!
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A metal band who made an Entire album like a Story or tale and every song on the album is a chapter in a book, wich was published along with the album så you could read while listening to the story's : Smokin:
Hello, I am new to the site. I have been listening to Metal since the mid 80's. I was wondering if anyone would remember a band that made an album about the evolution of man starting with the first song being about the birth of the universe and each song advancing in chronological order ending up with modern man. The album should be in the mid to late 80's or early 90's.
jammin' to some underrated hardcore bands lately like Counterparts, Continents, Worthwhile, etc.

Continents just put out a video I though you guys might wanna see!

You should check out Harm's Way, Xibalba, or Take Offense if you haven't already for some hardcore bands that I think do the modern sound right these days. Can't say I dig the sound from bands like Continents. Too much playing drums with guitars for my taste.
In Flames SOAPF is pretty by the numbers, with the exception of a couple tracks, it's not worth talking about, all their other albums are better, since Stromblad left, it seems to have had a negative affect, they are past it IMO.

The new Soilwork blows away the last IF and Dark Tranquillity records, can't believe DT just put out that piece of crap, biggest surprise of the year so far for me.

As for music I like, well if you haven't heard the new Amorphis record yet, you are missing out, it's quite good, it's really the only thing of theirs that I enjoy, best thing they have ever done IMO.