The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

Older Tiamat is some of my fav stuff and I do like Wildhoney, but I could never get into anything I heard from them after. I'm not a closeminded person of anything, but it is just not my thing.
Older Tiamat is some of my fav stuff and I do like Wildhoney, but I could never get into anything I heard from them after. I'm not a closeminded person of anything, but it is just not my thing.

I hear you. I'm the same really, although I bought 'Amanethes' on a whim a few years ago because I really liked the cover artwork and thought, 'Come on man, get back into Tiamat!'. It's a fucking awesome album. Very heavy in parts, atmospheric in others. I really recommend it. Without being an expert, I think it's their 'return to metal' album after that middle of the road goth stuff they ended up doing after 'Wildhoney'.
Inquisition are amazing. Jungle Rot is pretty good too, albeit many people find them boring and generic.
I like Jungle Rot (well, I've only heard their last album but enjoy it a lot), but the best description I have for them is fun. They're not
mind blowing or some spiritual journey, just solid, enjoyable death metal.
I like Jungle Rot (well, I've only heard their last album but enjoy it a lot), but the best description I have for them is fun. They're not
mind blowing or some spiritual journey, just solid, enjoyable death metal.

This. Knuckle dragging death metal at its best. I think they are the logical successors to Obituary in terms of that style. Glad to see others here enjoy them. Maybe I'll stop getting shit for it since there are other fans in GMD. Probably not though..
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Oh yea, man. For that style of music it's one of my most favorite albums. Her songs and lyrics are extremely dark and exotic, and for that reason she absolutely distinguishes herself from her peers. Sadly, I can't get in to any of her other records, but yea, the debut is simply stellar.
By the way, that Enya record from last year that you like is good but nothing compared to her earlier stuff. Have you heard all of her work?

I'll have to check out that LDR debut again, it's been a while.

I might be a bad person to talk to as I'm an Enya fanatic.
But as objective as I can be about it, I'd say it's her best work since the 90's. Yes I own every single album of hers.
I'll have to check out that LDR debut again, it's been a while.

I might be a bad person to talk to as I'm an Enya fanatic.
But as objective as I can be about it, I'd say it's her best work since the 90's. Yes I own every single album of hers.

The Memory of Trees is an amazing album, as are all the early records. What I enjoy about her is that she's able to make so much out of so little. If you listen carefully to the music there isn't a lot going on but somehow sounds massive. A lot of the songs, like Lothlorian for example, are amazingly effective and powerful in their simplicity.
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Ok so I think "Cold Steel..." is definitely my favorite D666 album now. Had been Wolves (which is still fantastic) but Cold Steel is just a punch in the face from the get go till the end. Only negative is the production isn't as solid as Wolves'.
i went through that same shift in opinion but i kinda came back around to WOLVES again. definitely the best two, i think. the new one may push them close though, love this thing.
Anyone else heard the new 'Rotting Christ'? I know its not seen as their best in a while, but I do think its fucking great
Is Lana Del Gay as good as PJ Harvey? Man I love that chick, Stories From The City Stories From The Sea is an amazing album but also White Chalk blows my mind, all the time I want to hear more music from her, nutter.
Just heard Skeletonwitch's new song..... and it was ok. Super overproduced and just too "big" sounding. The drums hardcore clip off the guitars and it doesn't sound the best. And the new vocals.... they're eh. They definitely fit the sound the band is making but comparing this song to their old material pains me honestly. It's not bad at all, but it certainly is nothing compared to their old stuff imo. Let me hear your opinion, here's the link:
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^Thanks for the heads up. Listening. New vocalist, he's pretty similar in sound actually. I notice he's a bit lower in the mix, which I kind of like. I'm an instrument > vocals sort of guy most often. And there's a lot going on in these instruments. Sweet riffs. By the end of the song I think I like this vocalist Better even. He seems more about the music and less about evil posturing or something like some of the older music videos. Cool stuff.