The Top 5 Greatest Thrash Metal Bands.


Mar 21, 2010
so...Title says it all..

I really cant post mine because I really dont know too many thrash metal besides slayer and exodus lol....

I Wanna get more in this genre though.Thats why i started this thread.
If you wanna explore outside Slayer & Exodes Heres few you should try:

Vio-lence, Dark Angel, Heathen, Explict Hate, Evildead, Sacrifice, Razor, Toxik, Exumer, Living Death, Tankard,Dorsal Atlantica, Acid Reign, Exciter, Mutilator, Violator, Slammer, Mantic Ritual & Gama Bomb.

And if you havent heard most well known like Testament, Sepultura, Sodom & Kreator etc, you should give them a try

You can get started by these :)

Oh yeah the top five is quite impossibl to say but lately Kreator, Vio-Lence, Nuclear Assault & Exodus have been kickin the shit out of me.

E: And finnish thrash legend Stone ofc
sorry for being generic but..

1. Metallica
2. Megadeth
3. Slayer
4. Kreator
5. Sepultura

I really need to explore more thrash and widen my horizon eh ?
Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer Slayer
LOL :p
Don't know about the greatest, but my favourites are: Sacrifice, Coroner, Slayer, Artillery and probably one of either Razor or Sodom to complete the top 5.