The tour has started!

Can't wait for you to perform in Copenhagen. I know there's a long time till you come back, but my ticket is of course already ordered. Dragonforce is fine, too, but it's definitely you I'm traveling all the way for. Teach me some of your violin skills, Olli! I was not kidding when you asked if anyone was playing violin at The Rock last year and I really want to learn your songs on violin!
Can't wait for you to perform in Copenhagen. I know there's a long time till you come back, but the ticket is still ordered. Dragonforce is fine, too, but it's definitely you I'm traveling all the way for. Teach me some of your violin skills, Olli! I was not kidding when you asked if anyone was playing violin at The Rock last year and I really want to learn your songs on violin! I'll teach you Norsk Rheinländer, Den Toppede Høne, etc. in return? :)
I like that sleep debt version, but it's technically 'sleep dep', which is short for 'sleep deprivation'.

And all this talk of these shows is making me antsy for the Seattle show, which isn't until November! :waah: Please do meet n' greets in the states too!
it will be sooner than you think, though yeah, I know how annoying waiting for such gigs is...
good luck you lot! see you in Den Bosch on Oct. 31 (the in-between-two-tour-legs-show :P), and I hope the new DVD kicks ass ^^

Battle Metal 2008 DOES kick ass imho, so I hope the rest of the material is just as good :)
We'll most likely have a little meet'n'greet in a pub near Astoria tomorrow afternoon. Check the blog for that, don't have it sorted out yet.

It's fucking Astoria! Goddamn. Everything's good, I just hope not to break strings tonight (as happened in Cardiff the other night!). Fingers crossed!


I demand Miklagard Overture tomorrow.



well, strings are strings, long as you get a new one on fast enough there is no prob with that (besides financial issues LOL) ;)
This is gonna be a quick one - a meet'n'greet is gonna happen TOMORROW SAT 4th OCT near Astoria, in a pub called The Tottenham, downstairs. Showtime at 3 p.m., members of Turisas present.

Woohoo, wonder who's gonna show up!:kickass:
What am I chopped liver? I am the one who took the picture! I apologize for the awkwardness, it is my nature. In all honesty I would rather hear them chat than me.
What did you think of the show?
They played A Portage to the Unknown and not the Dnieper Rapids. No RRR, just in case you were wondering.
I thought they brought the place down with In The Court Of Jarisleif.