the "tour review thread"

Yeah, Bjorn Jr. needs a little work on his picture-posting-in-forum-threads etiquette...dealy... My super amazing page has thumbnails and a choice of 3 sizes for you to choose from. Let me stress the super amazingosity of said feature.
Great pics! The redhead tattoo is priceless. Based on all the pics I've seen though, it seems that Mikael has two shirts...
I got to meet all the guys at DT at the Boulder, CO show. Let me say they're some of the nicest people in the world. I spent most of my time talking to Stanne, Niklas, and Anders. Mikael has just an amazing personality, and he was actually SMILING on stage! He even gave me the mic for a line on Punish My Heaven, since he saw me singing along so much! He really clicked with the audience.. what a wonderful personality. Niklas was a great guy to chat with as well, very intelligent person he is. They even invited me on the tour bus afterwards, we had a few beers and talked about everything and anything, it was an amazing night. I wish them all the best in the future, they deserve it. And I REALLY hope they come back with AE, they had just gotten the proposal that night and were considering it.. let's keep our fingers crossed!
Yeah, I am also really hoping that they decide to tour with AE (as I'm sure most of us are). I had a brief run-in with Mikael, but from what I could tell, he did seem like a really nice guy. And, yeah, he was definitely amazing onstage. It's always good to see musicians enjoying what they're doing.
you guys were great in philly tonite. the best sounding band by far. waited seven years to hear you guys play "punish my heaven" the new album is killer and the songs came out flawless. you guys were the tightest and the best mix of all the bands. it's too bad it's not about talent but about hype bullshit. you guys should have headlined and had sentenced open up for ya and screw the other two bands. they were lame. this two chord jump up and down bullshit stinx but that's america for ya. kse is a joke college polished up band that shouldn't have even been on the bill. it's a disgrace to see you open up for such cheese to say the least. that's not your fault, that's the morons at century media promotions with their stupid package tours and how not to book a band properly. anyways hope you guys come back and headline this time so you can play more songs this time. new album rules, you guys rule live. later \m/
I've been hearing that DT is the opening band for the current tour. Can someone tell me what time they start? Are there any local bands before DT?

I'm planning on going to the NJ show tomorrow, and I don't want to miss the DT set. They say the doors open at 7:00 PM. It's a bit of a drive for me to get there, and I'll have to leave work early just to get there by 7:30 or so.

We got there (Cleveland) at about 7:30, doors opened at 7:00. I don't think Sentenced started until about 8:00. Then Dark Tranquillity.
@GKnight - Hope to see you there. As far as my experiences go, there's at least half an hour between the doors opening and the first band playing. DT is second as far as I know, so no worries about missing their set. I know how you feel...i'll probably get there about 7:00-7:15.
Originally posted by GKnight56
I've been hearing that DT is the opening band for the current tour. Can someone tell me what time they start? Are there any local bands before DT?

I'm planning on going to the NJ show tomorrow, and I don't want to miss the DT set. They say the doors open at 7:00 PM. It's a bit of a drive for me to get there, and I'll have to leave work early just to get there by 7:30 or so.


Damn, I just realized I posted in the wrong thread. oops :p

Thanx to those who replied, I'll start a new thread for my question.
Hmmm... Niklas is growing his hair long again. Good sign.
well, if DT and Sentenced are still switching off every show, then by my calculations Sentenced should be opening, DT second, then Killswitch then In Flames. I'll be going to that show too, and I hope to God DT doesn't open. A few more songs could make all the difference in the world, especially if said songs are, for instance, The Treason Wall or Hours Passed in Exile.

