The Tranquillian Bible

maybe someone should write about the Dark Tranquillians who chose to follow the dark side of tranquillity and got separated from the main movement, or something. Just an idea :)
no, the tranquillians of light or something similar to that, this is a cliche maybe but anyway. After x years have passed the tranquillians grew arrogant and they started to look upon other people with resent and they became eeviill :) So one night one of the true tranquillians was called by the gods and was appointed to be the One (:)) that should lead the tr00 tranquillians away. That happened and from then on they were known as the dark tranquillians while the light tranquillians were consumed by their own arrogance and ended up listening to false gods and bad music (in flames :) )
what about moving from the old forum on whereverithasbeen to UM? that could have been leading the people of DT from a popup-ridden evil forum with no proper admins to this beautiful haven of peace called UltimateHolyLand. But sometimes, they have to defend their new country from self-murdering, car-bombing terrorists aka spammers. and where to fit in the almighty water-split-move HE performed?

i just don't want to type it all up.
Cuthalion said:
no, the tranquillians of light or something similar to that, this is a cliche maybe but anyway. After x years have passed the tranquillians grew arrogant and they started to look upon other people with resent and they became eeviill :) So one night one of the true tranquillians was called by the gods and was appointed to be the One (:)) that should lead the tr00 tranquillians away. That happened and from then on they were known as the dark tranquillians while the light tranquillians were consumed by their own arrogance and ended up listening to false gods and bad music (in flames :) )

I like that :) , if you let me I can write it.

@Undo: Yes, I need some :kickass: . And my girlfriend :waah: .
Cuthalion: I love the idea. So in the beginning DT was just Tranquillity and when that thing happened it became Dark Tranquillity? And Mal's idea is also great. :)

Bloodred: Ok, go ahead. I'll put in some final details, as with all else.
UndoControl said:
Cuthalion: I love the idea. So in the beginning DT was just Tranquillity and when that thing happened it became Dark Tranquillity? And Mal's idea is also great. :)

Well then it's a good thing I never mentioned "Dark Tranquillity" in the first chapters. So, yeah, you can still add it somewhere between the lines.

And I won't be writing for a while, due to the numerous school projects and exams that's pending on my neck.
Hey, i see a little problem with the genesis story. you're all supposing Brändström was a member since the beginning and forgetting Fredrik. And i've only seen Fridén mentioned once (ok, twice, but one of those times it was me who mentioned him).

Should i fix that?
Fredrik and Nicklasson are humans trusted by the demi-gods. Brändström wasn't in the band in the beginning, he went elsewhere and will be joining the band later.

I thought I made it clear enough in The Venturing 1.1
I'll write the stuff of the light/dark tranquillians in a few days, sorry, I've been having lots of work (damn practicum :ill: ).

I don't want to write a rushed story, so I'll take a few days doing that so something gods come up.

Do you think a battle of the light tranquillians vs. dark " would be nice? I thought it'd be quite fun, I can manage to do it pretty epic...(DT-style epic of course).

I had an idea with the light tranquillians, that nowadays they are the ones that can be most seen since they come out in the day, while the dark ones obviously are the good ones and rule the light.

And also The Tranquillians got divided (dark/light), so that's why there is day and there is night, because it's the time when each side comes out to rule the world or something.