The Trolls of CoB-OF and CoB-OT

The Bringer

Dec 8, 2003
British Columbia, Canada
You know, I never thought I would see the day when trolls actually took over two official forums and the forum not getting shut down.

When that happened to the Official Soilwork UM forum it got shut down (Right after FNF was released) and the Official In Flames UM forum became an Unofficial forum with no mods from all the trolling.
should i remind you that trolling destroyed this forum once and it becomed unofficial untill John 'MagSec4' met the cob boiz outthere in usa and talked to them to keep this board up?
and just before that when there was and old cob moderator ti was without off topic even more trolled than its now :lol:

anyway who are the trolls? :p