Originally posted by Autumn Rust
Satori (and others who would like to join the conversation)
I see where you are coming from (I think.. he heheh)... not worrying about the trivial bullshit that makes us concentrate on the patterns on the road ... etc....
ps: How come it is that I've never found this depth of thought with any other bbs crew before? I've been called insane by many while 'trying' to throw this quality of stone into the pool of water. I'm glap Opeth's music has brought us so called 'freaks' together.
Ok, quite cool, I know exactly where you are coming from and I can see that you have that innate understanding of what I'm trying to communicate, selflessness and it's benefits on the human psyche.
When there is no "self" there is no selfish desire. Without desire there is no suffering. I could go into elaborate detail about why this is so, but there's no need. Suffice to say that the universe exists in a state of constant flux. Either we go along with the flux, adapting ourselves and using the change as a spring board, redirecting it in the path we want it to go, or we sit around being miserable and cursing the world and doing nothing to change our circumstances. I choose the former of course. Without elaborating, I'll make another conclusive statement which is built on logic that I can discuss if required: Resisting the flow of reality causes suffering and failure, going with it brings joy and success regardless of the outcome of events. By being selfless we are better able to adapt to the universe's constant flow of change and better able to redirect it to our advantage (and I don't mean selfish advantage).
You mentioned that you don't agree that we are just mindless interactions in universal flux. Well, I feel what you don't like about this idea is just the way it was put into words. You understand that we are a part of everything and you understand the invalidity of your own perspective. Understanding these things kinda makes it hard for you to disagree with the mere presentation of ideas. In short, I am you and you are me and we both realize this already and there is nothing to disagree about, don't you think? I can pick my own words apart and find something to disagree with too, no problem, but it's the essence of the words, not their literal interpretation, that's the real meat of it, and you so obviously see the essence of what I'm saying perfectly, something which makes me very happy. You understand the limitation of relativistic language, need I say more? Your brief explanation of the human condition mirrors mine perfectly. Of course we are more than mindless interactions, but we are also mindless interactions, either way you say it the effect is the same, it's a paradox and I see "truth" in both viewpoints, that's the nature of selflessness and existentialism, you can hold 2 contradictory perspectives and know that they are both equally valid. Is it a particle, or is it a wave? Yes. heheh
Here's how I feel about the phenomenon known as consciousness. I feel that in our brains matter has come together is amazing organization, and this organization (as Darwin would contend) has 'created' something called consciousness. To me this is akin to hydrogen in massive quantities together with gravity creating nuclear fusion. Fusion is a consequence of the compressed gas just as mind is a consequence of matter in organization. Compressed gas didn't 'create' fusion, the propensity for fusion and it's dynamics are part of the universe, and fusion is just an expression of universal flux. Likewise, matter in organization (the brain) didn't 'create' consciousness, consciousnes (like fusion) was there when the universe began and it's just an expression of universal flux, and in this case, unlike in the case of fusion, we are that expression. Whether or not you place the lable "mindless interaction" on it doesn't change this. I'm sure you feel that mind and fusion are more similar than different. We are just toying with words here, hehe.
I agree that we have to exist in both states at once, that is, feeling connected and part of the soup and at the same feeling human and distinct. The reason I talk about the former so much is cuz the latter is something that humans and all other animals do by default. I didn't mean to diminish the value of being and behaving like a distinct human, I just feel like everyone is already good at playing that angle and don't need to hear about it, so I tend to concentrate on the soup idea. It really takes that balance. If we thought only in terms of the soup, then we'd may as well lay down and die right now. But when we exist in the balance of the 2, we can be humans and yet act unselfishly together as a species and with the rest of the world as well, so the electron can be both a particle (individual) and a wave (part of the soup). Unfortunately, as lowly humans we are incapable of seeing both realities at the same time, so we have to think in terms of dualism. However, electrons are not particles or waves, these are just interpretations of humans and are only consequential in the confines of our thoughts. Likewise, humans are neither individuals or the soup, it's just how we explain it in this dualistic and discrminating language. I'm trying to get at the "whole" which is beyond the individual or the soup, the point where the electron is neither a particle or a wave, it simply IS.
I agree with you as well that most people will never understand what the hell we are talking about here and I'm also intrigued that I've found people here that I can relate to. Trying to explain existentialism to someone who can't see the forest for the trees is a totally pointless task, you may as well try to explain a new colour or something, it sits just beyond the grasp of reason. I've come to the conclusion that it's just a way of thinking that is inborn, either you get it and always have, though you may have fogetten and remembered along the way, or you simply don't think along those lines and never will. Again, this is neither right or wrong, it's just all perspective bullshit. I just happen to feel, as many do, that such a perspective is good for mental and societal health. Some may feel praising god is good for mind and society, but to them I ask, when was the last time existentialists got together and started a war or feared death or lived their lives in guilt while playing out someone else's ideology? Some place "mind" as the god they seek and put so much effort into "finding themselves" or whatever that they are totally ignorant of the soup mentality and cannot reap the benefits of simply letting go and 'being' without pretense or the personal obligations of ego. When we are too focused on the self of the individual, we forget the self of the universe and this leads people to behave in selfish ways. I loved your analogy of people who are kneeled to the ground studying it too closely and how they miss the point/direction of the road. So many smart intellectual types are like this, forever studying themselves so intensely that lose their true face in their skin texture.
I'm glad to see that you realize that you exist in this duality and are enpowered by it, and I thank you sincerely for your insightful post. You and I are an expression of the same universal phenomema, like everything is of course, the only real difference being that we both realize and acknowledge it.
"Thou art that"
in the midst of 'mystical' (unified) experience...
Sacreligious Satori
PS: "Form is emptiness, emptines is form." (buddhist "truth", quantum physics "fact"). Something = Nothing. What is before/beyond the division of something/nothing? That's the 'IT' that I'm eluding to for which words cannot describe.