The ULTIMATE Dunlop Plectrum Shoot-out

Nobody use really thick picks? I used the 2mm Tortex, but I can't find them anymore, so now I am using 1.5 tortex or the purple gato picks
I prefer the .73mm Tortex in this shootout. The pick attack is slightly rounded, and there's a less of a high end scratch toward the higher regions of the spectrum. It sounds "chunkier" to me. However, I switched from the .73mm Tortex to red Jazz IIIs, as I prefer the sound.

Thanks for the shootout; it's nice to know my usual favorite pick in the shootout sounded best to me.
I really like the dark grey tortex jazz IIIs they feel almostt exactly like the regular black ones but have the dig/scratch of normal tortex picks.
Sure it does. Listen specifically for transient punch, and junk in the mid-bass/low mid area. Use the Sharp 1.5mm as your reference and then listen to how all the others compare in these areas.

I refuse to do this when there are still guitarists around that don't use a plectrum at all :erk: Yes it happened to me two times actually!

Generelly I'm with Mago. Its just hard to make a shootout because of course playing is always a bit different. You would need a robot that plays with his robot arm :)
And Jazz III's still sound like dick for rhythm.

That's a bold statement man. It sounding like dick when you use it doesn't mean that it sounds like dick in general.

Me playing with a tortex sharp is a total scratch-fest, way too much attack and scratch from the pick with my playing.
Still I don't have anything bad to say about Nevermore rhythm sounds, so I can't say "yeah, Tortex sharps sounds like dick in general".

Get a bit of perspective dude.

I don't know why so many guitarplayers are so anal about the pick.
"NOOOO your pick is SO WRONG, mine is WAY MORE RIGHT!" :lol:

edit: altho there are differences in the materials, that's why I'm going to try the tortex Jazz III instead of the nylons the next time, to see HOW much of a differences it makes for ME.
Cool shoot-out.
I still think that picks are more about feel than sound, most of these would sound exactly the same in a full mix.

I played with jazzIII picks for many years and I switched to tortex sharps 1.5 about a year ago. I was able to get used to them but they still felt like they had a very strong grip on the strings for faster rhythm and solos so I went to the thinner 1.35 which was a good compromise. About a week ago I got some tortex TIII and ultex sharps to try after reading the pick thread in the production tips section. I've been trying them the last several days and I'm very tempted to switch as they feel a little faster/smoother than the sharps but still maintain the heavy attack.
I've gone the opposite route here, I was using sharps but switched to Jazz IIIs because the pick attack on the sharps is too harsh. I do like the way the sharps bite into the string. Great tactile response and faster IMO, I'd play them still if it wasn't for the attack. I still test them out every now and again.
From the shoot-out I liked the Tortex 1.14 and the Wedge 1.14 most, because they seemed to have a nice tight attack in the chug, and I think they also had a tad more high-mid stuff going on, which I like. This could just be because it's impossible to play at the exact same spot on the string with all plectrums though, so take that with a grain of salt.

What this shoot-out proves to me is that eventough there is a difference in the sound between picks, the comfortlevel should be a bigger concern, since none of these picks seemed to make or break the tone. I am 100% sure I wouldn't be able to tell which one is which in a blind shoot-out.

Thanks for another helpful shoot-out Ermz!
Can someone aware me for the least awkward picks for playing live, I've been using Jazz III's since forever but I'm really not liking when my hands get sweaty and I have to do a pick shuffle towards riff transitions.

If the Tortex/Sharps really do sound that much better it might be time to switch back but I seem to remember they dissolve at three times the pace especially with aggressive pick attack.
Öwen;10042616 said:
Can someone aware me for the least awkward picks for playing live, I've been using Jazz III's since forever but I'm really not liking when my hands get sweaty and I have to do a pick shuffle towards riff transitions.

If the Tortex/Sharps really do sound that much better it might be time to switch back but I seem to remember they dissolve at three times the pace especially with aggressive pick attack.

I would suggest the tortex TIII picks which are a combination of the jazzIII tip and the regular tortex size (they're bigger than jazzIII XL). They're faster and more accurate than the regular tortex, similar to the jazzIII, and they're definitely more comfortable to play than tortex sharps. As far as the "dissolving", as you say, you could try the ultex ones (ultex sharps) which are the same exact shape as the TIII ones. They're supposed to last longer (I've only used them a few days so I'm don't have an opinion about that). They also make less of a scratchy noise when palm muting on the wound strings.
This will probably sound like a troll but I'm being 100% honest what I first thought of the first post. It doesn't matter what pick you are using... you are still playing a Schecter guitar.

Picks are a comfort tool. Sure if you are used to bigger plectrums you will sound terrible with a Jazz III and vice versa. I for one love the Jazz III since it gives me the best control and honestly I don't have to pick hard to sound like I'm picking hard. End result is I'm saving my energy, sounding agressive and staying in tune by not having to pick my strings too hard.

But it's just what I'm used to using and it works for me. For acoustics I use bigger picks ofcourse.

Each to their own.
Nothing wrong with the Jazz III XLs. I think most of us were taking issue with the standard sized (tiny) ones. I recall having trouble even getting that one to make a sound out of my .070 string without scraping half my finger off in the process.

No probs, Eddy. Would've been great to have a real cab in the test, but it's all good. I'm already preparing another... much bigger/more significant shoot out.
Pickboy ceramic 1.00

im never playing guitar with anything else.