Guitarists: What are my pick (excuse me, PLECTRUM) options?


Feb 20, 2005
So I've been using the standard-shaped Dunlop Tortex picks for awhile now, but they're starting to feel just a bit on the big/clumsy side; however, I really don't like Jazz picks, as I feel like I'm not holding a pick at all. So is there anything in between? And note, I'm talking about the pick size, not thickness (though ~1 mm is a must, and also, I despise picks with rounded edges, takes away too much bite IMO)
I agree with you on the thickness and picks... I tried to venture off once... spent like $40 or something close to that on different picks (thats a fuckload to spend on picks, btw) but I came back... I use the same picks you are now.

I tried many things, and the only thing that came close was the Jazz 3... but like you said, theres hardly anything there to use (especially if you have fat fingers, like me)...

I'd say buy a pack of Jazz 3 picks and fuck about with those until you absolutely cannot stand them anymore... I was looking for what you are and didn't find it... IF you do find it, DEFINITELY let me know...
Thanks Sean and Liam, but the thing is it's the "height," if you will (when looking at the pics as their pictured, meaning the distance from top to bottom) that's bothering me, cuz I'm trying to not have as much pick sticking out from my finger/thumb, but that means I have to hold it really choked up in my grip, and it has the tendency to slide down as a result. Mat, I know what you mean, though actually, I looked at some of the Dunlop Jazz Picks, and the Jazz II's or III's don't look too bad (not sure I like how pointy the Jazz III's are, so the II might be better) - the ones I fucking LOATHE are the teardrop-shaped ones, which are the only jazz picks I've had experience with, so I thought they were all like that. Looks like I'll have to nab some Jazz II's and III's, and the pitch black ones look pretty sweet as well! Though if anyone else has suggestions, I'm of course open!

Oh god, but do all those Jazz picks have rounded edges? Arrgghh, I hate rounded edges, I feel like I'm stroking the string soothingly, rather than snapping the hell out of it!

EDIT: Ooh, nevermind, Tortex Jazz to the rescue! :)
Jazz III XLs work well... big enough to know you have a pick in your hands, but with the sharp tip. You could also attack the picks with a knife and round off the edges a little by rubbing it along the carpet.

Haha, well that'd have to be a pretty abrasive carpet I'd guess! Maybe I'll just get some pitch-black Jazz III's and assault the tips with a file to dull the point a bit :lol:
Ok, just went up and rooted through my housemate's epic pick collection, and can safely say I could never get used to standard Jazz III's, every other downstroke I played was a pinch harmonic; I'm sure they work for some picking techniques, but for mine they're just too small! On the other hand, the standard pick shape is too big - Jazz III XL's I assume are the perfect middle ground, but they have the rounded edges - oh well, he didn't have any of those, but I'll have to pick some up tomorrow to see what I think! At least the pointiness of the Jazz III's didn't turn out to bother me at all, so that's one less thing to worry about...

EDIT: Here's a comparison shot; one too big, the other too small! :(

It's a matter of getting adjusted to everything. It'd be a miracle if a pick suited your style perfectly straight out. I went from using massive picks to Jazz IIIs and never looked back. The XLs might work for you. Tell us how you go.