Ihreil Junkenstein
Bad Blood
Bullit was pretty bad, yeah. So were most clint eastwood films. Apart from the dirty harry ones.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:Dustin hoffman is in sphere. Therefore it is good. Not Rainman good, but good. And event horizon was pisspoor.
Also have you noticed how many Philip dick books are being made into films now? Vanilla sky,Blade runner, minority report....I'm sure there's more. Just was till the do his Exgeisis(Think that's how its spelt)
The Pimp NeonBlack said:Momento wasn't that much of a amind-fuck movie, although it was well constructed.
If ya'll want the best latest mind-fuck film, go out and get Donnie Darko. It is one of the great films I's have ever seen, but so many people just can't wrap their heads around it.
It is such a well crafted film that it makes absolutely no sense what-so-ever, unless you are reading every second of it. And talking about the film will just spoil it for people who haven't seen it.
Go out and get, if only for a six-foot tall demonic rabbit named Frank.
The Pimp NeonBlack
ZANEX said:Pi, Requiem For A Dream, A Clockwork Orange, Mulholland Drive, are all mindfuck movies. As for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, its great, but may I recommend Where The Buffalo Roam. It's about the same guy, Hunter S. Thompson, and stars Bill Murray. Also, many DRUGS are consumed.
Black Winter Day said:check out aronofsky's other movie, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM. great as well.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:Vannila sky was just pointless.QUOTE]
"Open your eyesssss"
xxx Iris xxx
LORD_RED_DRAGON said:Underground Movies Are Way More Bizzare Than The Movies That Are Allowed To Get Into Theaters Trust Me
Ihreil Junkenstein said:The book of naked lunch is superb. better than fight club.