THE ULTIMATE THREAD Pt vs base vs relgion vs sturgis vs mac vs pc vs autotune

I find this to be the best thread to post this in.

You can actually download that shit from some website and make it your screensaver. How awesome is that? hahaha

Dude, I honestly didn't think that was that clever, but after seeing Pineapple Express, I could fucking die laughing listening to Craig Robinson reading the dictionary :lol::lol::lol: In fact...

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I'm dead serious. I'm doing ecstasy and I'm going to dance for some girl that I'm mildly attracted to, and then she is going to be impressed but then I'm going to throw up everywhere. I can't wait.
Dude I'd rather be working quite frankly.
I've just never been working because of severe anxiety.
Working and no anxiety > anxiety and no job
Dude I'd rather be working quite frankly.
I've just never been working because of severe anxiety.
Working and no anxiety > anxiety and no job

That sucks, it's a vicious cycle, I feel for you man. Looking after yourself should be your number one priority. Working is good for that in someways because it gives your day a structure, and you don't have to worry about money.

Go pay them bills. All the best Bro.
That sucks, it's a vicious cycle, I feel for you man. Looking after yourself should be your number one priority. Working is good for that in someways because it gives your day a structure, and you don't have to worry about money.

Go pay them bills. All the best Bro.

Will do.
Cya mate
Dude, the reverberation from that thing is fucking insane, is that shooting range in a freakin' canyon? :lol: Also, what's the distance to that target, that looks nuts (and was that someone saying "what the hell are you shooting at?" :lol: )

Hahaha, yeah it sounds quite awesome up there. It's actually a huge watershed property (queue Opeth :D) that the range owns. It's a great place, especially in nice weather.

Haha, the dude was talking to his buddy next to me. They had their telescopes set up, shooting their weak and anti-fun .22 rifle. You can hear the "peeeeoooooo" right before he says it. It makes it clear just how much louder the Saiga is than their .22 rifle.

You should hear the bolt action rifle at that range!

Come to Jersey and we will go dude. :rock:


EDIT: Distance was 50 yards in that clip, though that particular rifle range goes to 100. They also have a pistol range, trap shooting area, and a 200-300 yard range for long range rifles with scopes! Crazy...