THE ULTIMATE THREAD Pt vs base vs relgion vs sturgis vs mac vs pc vs autotune

Ever considered running a business from home with minimal people interaction? Web or e-bay based set-ups are capable of making you some serious dosh. Certainly more so than engineering could, and your interactions with people can be limited to e-mails. Orsm!

Have thought about that actually.
I just get paranoid about getting screwed over but I guess it will happen a few times in that game anyway
Ever considered running a business from home with minimal people interaction? Web or e-bay based set-ups are capable of making you some serious dosh. Certainly more so than engineering could, and your interactions with people can be limited to e-mails. Orsm!

I've been thinking about this seriously for some time now, think I'm gonna start a local webpage/forum for metal bands in my province, and sell local bands albums with paypal, see if I can (slowly, at least) get some decent profit off of sales and ads in the site.

Any other ideas? I'm looking for a job and it's pretty fucked up here in Corunna, spain is still affected by the recession, high percentage of unemployment