What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
It's one of these thingies: fuzz! Details!
Have heard good things, haven't used one yet though. I go through a lot of fuzz pedals. Buy, try, sell, repeat. A few winners I've had for years are the Malekko B:Assmaster, Black Cat Bass Octave Fuzz, and the Katanasound Super Bass Fuzz which I made this little funny thingy for years ago:

I also have an MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe en route which I've owned before, but sorta missed since it's a nice Tonebendery type of thingy. I told myself "no more buying, start building" but I'm fucking lazy. I solder enough at work, I just want to pay someone else to do it for me for my own gear.

STOP CONFUSING MY ASSUMPTIONS.oh and fyi because I realize you need some clarity there: Berlin is NOT in the Czech Republic. Neither is the Czech Republic a part of France.