The (Un)official write anything you want page

I say cheers occasionally. At my old job I would work alongside my boss quite often (and for 2yrs) so after awhile I picked up on his Boston lingo and started spouting off "wicked" every other sentence.
More importantly, I got a $100 American Express gift card from work last night.

What shall I do with it?

Music haul?
DVD Boxsets?
something for the wommang?
something else I didn't think of?
Okay, now, to be Necuratul worded it, the "shit" refers to an event, not an object, such as a penis.

Let's look at Eric T's post. "His dick out of your ass?" Here, the "shit" is referred to as "dick" (an object, not an event) and "behind my back" is referred to as "ass." So we have "Pull his dick out of your ass?"

With Susperia's addition, we have "His dick in and out of your ass?" - With that addition she has completely changed the meaning of "shit" to the entire act of anal sex, which is an event. The word "Pull" does not necessarily need to be added, since now we know that the shit he was trying to pull behind his back was the event of anal sex.

*gtfos* :lol:

Nice, but I think it would've been even more enlightening had you examined the aforementioned comments from the perspective of a Queer Theorist as well, or maybe a Feminist perspective, considering one of the interlocutors was (allegedly) female.
I was getting my haircut today, and the fucking Mexican cutting it stopped midway to answer his cell phone. I let it go on for about two minutes, when I could stand no more. No, nobody has really spoken Spanish in my family for almost three generations, but I managed to piecemeal something to the effect of "Put down the fucking phone or I will kill you with your comb."

Goddamn I hate people.
I just saw a giant bird outside my back window, looked like a bluejay with a hawk's head, the size of a crow. I'm no expert in... birdiology but that was pretty neat.
Why would anyone EVER want flour tortillas when corn were available?


Because I do not support Mexican maize production on U.S soil. :mad:

I spent 45 God damn minutes in the drive thru of El Pollo Loco this evening. The car in front of me ordered a family meal for 12. If you're going to bring home a bueno comiendo feast for the ages, have the common courtesy to park your 84 datsun with the Che Guevara bumper sticker and order inside, so people can get their personal meals unhindered by the aftermath of your loins gone awry. You wouldn't walk up to the 10 items or less check stand at Super A w/ a basket full of frijoles, so don't the the same at the LOCO!!! :mad: