The usual downward spiral for most bands.

AFairJudgement0 said:
is this correct? because if it is I double emphasize with you.. That would be a real kicker to have a g/f leave for another woman...
??? I don't see what the problem here is. Just find your place between them.
hmmm, is this a hint that Opeth is on the Decline ???

I think it's tough for a band to continue creating great music with every new release. I think in Opeth's case they have done some things to offset this occurence. GR brought along the addition of Per which brings a change of atmosphere. Steven Wilson gave us a touch of this on BWP, D1 & D2, but now it's much more consistent & in some cases is the driving force behind certain songs such as TBOTH & BTM.

They've also retained the brutality of earlier records to avoid alienating alot of their older fanbase. GR is missing some of the great folky guitar licks, but do we really expect them to make 10 MAYH's ??? I think they've maintained their unmistakable sound & still make great songs. They have yet to reach the Load & Reload stage. Hopefully they never will.

That for me is why I love the underground scene. Mainstream bands will conform to whatever makes them the most $$$. Look at a band like Staind. Their early demo's & even their 1st album was pretty raw & heavy. Then they spent to much time with Fred Durst & started writing these slow, mellow, boring songs. They've made shitloads of cash doing this, but for some bands the demise is much quicker.
I'd like to add the Metallica downward spiral started at The Black Album, as many knowledgable people consider AJFA to be their best, and nobody can deny it's the heaviest / thrashiest.
It's been 18 years since Justice came out & it's still one of the greatest metal albums of all-time. This was the last album that Kirk was allowed to show off his skills.

Everyone says the black album was the last good one they made. I agree, but since Justice they've gone downhill. Black was good, but it's garbage compared to Justice.

Is there a greater example of a band on the decline than Metallica ??? St. Anger was different, but I was only able to listen to it once. In fact, I don't think I ever finished it the 1st time. Hetfield's voice is annoying now. Lars sucks. Kirk needs to go back to Exodus.
It took me a long time to get into st. anger, and i still dont like some of the songs on it (like st. anger itself) but a lot of it is great. Give it more spins, and try to forget the stuff the used to do. Sweet Amber is one of my all time favorite songs.

But i dont want this to turn into a metallica thread.

And i wouldnt say metallica and----

-----Opeth in the same breath...
I dont know about dream theatre as the stuff i listened to seems all ok...

There is always a catch 22 with bands. They either suffer from not changing...Look at AC/DC.

A lot of Slayer sounds the same to the untrained ear. But they suffered a lot when Lombardo left, even though God Hates Us All is a great album. But a lot of people say they havent come up with anything good since seasons in the abyss.

However. i dont see anything like this happening with Opeth. They continue to expand their creativeness and dont even seem to have peaked yet. Mikael said somewhere i think that he wants to have a long career with lots of albums.

and yes, the horrible production on St. Anger was on purpose...which i think they should get credit for because it was intentionally done and would not get them on the radio because of the guys are all like 45+ so give them a break.
I don't understand bands like in flames that are great musicians & do not show it anymore. I'm not saying you have to keep putting out albums like The Jester Race,Whoracle or anything.

Usually bands progress with change not musically regress.
lol, to people who think an old band can't redeem themselves, go listen to Angel of Retribution and then punish yourself.
I would say an exception to not changing too much is Iron Maiden. Their decline was because of line up changes and also because Harris was going through divorce.

But once the lineup stablised again, and Harris got through his divorce, they are back and stronger than ever. And perhaps, even more popular with their fans than ever before - take a look at how their shows sellout for proof, as well as the continuously great album sales, all without radio play or media attention.