Downward Spiral Poll

SickBoy said:
I'd disagree...On Helloween count, that is... ;)
If nothing, Time Of The Oath is among their best albums in every aspect and the rest of the Deris era (except for Rabbit...) is fine by me.
"Time of The Oath" is also a favorite of mine, it should have been the follow-up to "Keepers".
delize said:
I downloaded 4 or 5 tracks from St. Anger and deleted them. Nasty!!! You won't hear any shit from me. I don't like Painkiller either! I've tried to like it....I really have :lol:
I can understand the St. Anger thing, but PAINKILLER?!
That's choice stuff...
I don't think there's a stinker on that record.
I don't know what to say? I think Greeno & you are the only two people I have heard that don't like it...:cry:
Wyvern said:
Dream Theater - "Train Of Thoughts": Disgusting sound try to impress mallcore fans. Copycat of new post "Metallica" (black album) sound of the great-down the-spiral-all time champions.

Not really agree on this one Wyv. I think it's a great record. Although it indeed goes A BIT in the Metallica producing sound direction, I think DT has the quality to do this. The album has lots of compositions where the poor Metallica guys (and any nu metal band) only can dream about. But we'll see what the next record brings...
From the original list, I'd have to say that Metallica's "Load" is the guilty party.
I'm all for change. Change & growth are needed in music. Heck, I even liked the new look they sported in the CD booklet! Shaft does hard rock!
However, the song writing on "Load" simply lacks.

A few votes also go to the following:
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark. This was a sad day for the mighty beast. Sure, "No Prayer" saw a significant decline in songwriting, BUT it does still boast a handful of Maiden classics. "Fear" is just awful. Bruce's disgraceful performance basically sums up his feelings towards the band, at that point. Or maybe he really did just lose his vocal abilities (he did claim that he had to learn a new method of singing in the late 90s)?!? Although the Blaze era is highly frowned upon, X Factor shines compared to tracks such as "The Apparition",' Weekend Warrior", "From Here to Eternity", "Fear is the Key", etc.
I remember being totally dumbfounded upon this record's purchase in summer 1992.

Megadeth - Youthanasia. The weaknesses that began to rear their ugly head on "Countdown" came to full fruition with this stinker. Let's face it: Mustaine is an awful vocalist. However, when playing thrash/speed, most bands can get by with poor vocals. When said vocalists then begin writing tunes that require actual singing, they're in deep trouble. "Youthanasia" is simply an awful record. It represents everything that is/was wrong with Mustaine's ego.
The vocals suck, the songs are just weak. The fire & energy that were Megadeth are simply non-existant here. And who can forget the comical last song that's an unintentional dose of self-parody?

Dio - Lock Up the Wolves. The man is responsible for, arguably, some of metal's BEST moments, particularly Rainbow & Sabbath.
His solo career, however, is a violent case of hit and miss.
"Holy Diver" is a of the genre's BEST releases. "Last In Line" was very good, but nowhere near as good as "Holy Diver". "Sacred Heart" was good, but much weaker than "Last In Line". "Dream Evil", while boasting one of his BEST tunes (All the Fools....) pails in comparison to "Sacred Heart". See the trend? Well, along comes "lock Up the Wolves". Not one memorable hook is to be found. In my opinion, this record is a collection of the songs that weren't good enough to warrant inclusion on previous releases. An album of B-Sides. A complete disaster & simply the worst thing he's ever been associated with.
SickBoy said:
I'd disagree...On Helloween count, that is... ;)
If nothing, Time Of The Oath is among their best albums in every aspect and the rest of the Deris era (except for Rabbit...) is fine by me.

BNW still has some spirit and a true classic Maiden tune in Wicker Man.

I wish they called it quits after BNW... :erk:
a) I agree "Time Of The Oath" is the best album of Deris era :worship:

b) "Brave New World" has many good songs, but the feeling is not the same as it was in the late 80's. So for me I wish they have called the day after SSOASS, that would have been a wonderful swang song (same with Judas Priest and "Painkiller", even if Greeno doesn't like it :p ).
Anthrax: I will always call myself a Thrax fan. I hated Stomp 442. I thought Volume 8 was better, but it still kinda sucked. I'm one of the few that actually LIKED We've Come For You All.

Megadeth: Risk SUCKED!!!!!! But CW was the REAL beginning of the end for them, i think. It was boring and especially disppointing for me, considering how much i liked Youthanasia. TWNAH was a step up, but not enough of one. But the new album sounds good! Maybe it's a return to good 'Deth! I'm not saying THRASH, i'm just saying good.

Metallica: I actually enjoyed the black album, and for me, their fall from grace was with Load. I don't mind southern rock-meets-Sabbath type stuff, but they fucked it up. And St. Anger......let's not get into that, shall we?

Sepultura: Chaos AD was their fall, and Roots made it worse!! They never recoverd, and i don't think they ever will. And Max leaving made them suck? I beg to differ! Chaos AD and Roots had Max in it!!!

Pantera: After Cowboys From Hell, they took a HUGE fall for me. I thought Vulgar Display was just ok, but Far Beyond Driven....whoo-ee...what a bomb. I hate that album, and the albums that follwed weren't much better, IMO.

Annihilator: They began to fall right after their amazing debut, Alice In Hell. I mean, Never, Never Land was ok, but everything after that ranged from average to well...just awful. Their new one, All For You, actually made me sick to my stomach. I'm not kidding. It wasn't food i may have eaten earlier, it was that album. I HAAAAATE it. They have fallen so hard, so swiftly.

Slayer:Always thought Slayer were one of the most overrated thrash bands out there. I always thought that there were better thrash bands getting less attention. But they did make some fine albums. Show No Mercy, South Of Heaven, Seasons In The Abyss, even Haunting The Chapel. Not Reign In Blood, though. Sorry, but i find it to sound unfinished, and a bit too samey for me. Quite overrated, IMO. But holy shit, did they hit the wall hard with Devine Intervention and harder with Diablos In Musica and HARDER with God Hates Us All, which by the way, i hold in lower regard than Metallica's Load albums!!

Fates Warning: They bore me to death with everything they've released after Perfect Symmetry.

Queensryche: This is especially painful for me. Operation:Mindcrime is quite possibly my favorite album of ALL TIME. Hear In The Now Frontier was a big step down, but i still like some songs off of it, so not a complete failure. But that "honor" goes to Q2K. Total piece of circular horse shit. HATED IT. Tribe was better, but came off as a more percussive based, more wated down version of Promised Land, with a slight twist of Hear In The Now Frontier just for shits and giggles. Not enough to get back on top, i'm afraid.
Wicked Child said:
Anthrax: I will always call myself a Thrax fan. I hated Stomp 442. I thought Volume 8 was better, but it still kinda sucked. I'm one of the few that actually LIKED We've Come For You All.

Megadeth: Risk SUCKED!!!!!! But CW was the REAL beginning of the end for them, i think. It was boring and especially disppointing for me, considering how much i liked Youthanasia. TWNAH was a step up, but not enough of one. But the new album sounds good! Maybe it's a return to good 'Deth! I'm not saying THRASH, i'm just saying good.

Metallica: I actually enjoyed the black album, and for me, their fall from grace was with Load. I don't mind southern rock-meets-Sabbath type stuff, but they fucked it up. And St. Anger......let's not get into that, shall we?

Sepultura: Chaos AD was their fall, and Roots made it worse!! They never recoverd, and i don't think they ever will. And Max leaving made them suck? I beg to differ! Chaos AD and Roots had Max in it!!!

Pantera: After Cowboys From Hell, they took a HUGE fall for me. I thought Vulgar Display was just ok, but Far Beyond Driven....whoo-ee...what a bomb. I hate that album, and the albums that follwed weren't much better, IMO.

Slayer:Always thought Slayer were one of the most overrated thrash bands out there. I always thought that there were better thrash bands getting less attention. But they did make some fine albums. Show No Mercy, South Of Heaven, Seasons In The Abyss, even Haunting The Chapel. Not Reign In Blood, though. Sorry, but i find it to sound unfinished, and a bit too samey for me. Quite overrated, IMO. But holy shit, did they hit the wall hard with Devine Intervention and harder with Diablos In Musica and HARDER with God Hates Us All, which buy the way, i hold in lower regard than Metallica's Load albums!!

Fates Warning: They bore me to death with everything they've released after Perfect Symmetry.

Queensryche: This is especially painful for me. Operation:Mindcrime is quite possibly my favorite album of ALL TIME. Hear In The Now Frontier was a big step down, but i still like some songs off of it, so not a complete failure. But that "honor" goes to Q2K. Total piece of circular horse shit. HATED IT. Tribe was better, but came off as a more percussive based, more wated down version of Promised Land, with a slight twist of Hear In The Now Frontier just for shits and giggles. Not enough to get back on top, i'm afraid.
Great post. :tickled:
Wicked Child said:
God Hates Us All, which by the way, i hold in lower regard than Metallica's Load albums!!

WOW!! I thought God Hates Us All was great! I didn't like anything between RIB and GHUA though... to me thier 90's stuff was boring.
Greeno said:
WOW!! I thought God Hates Us All was great! I didn't like anything between RIB and GHUA though... to me thier 90's stuff was boring.
Oh, i agree with you, as far as their 90's albums go....with the exception of Seasons, i love that album. But Devine Intervention and Diablos in Musica were just toal abortions. Just useless, boring shit. But for some reason, God Hates Us All just got to me even more. The whole album has a forced, tacked on feel to it, like they're trying way too hard to be evil again. Plus, the whole Slipknotty vibe i got did not wrk with me. I didn't like the guitar tone, the song structure, the fact Tom has to say the word "fuck" 8912 times in a single song to sound aggressive now, none of songs had a hook that grabbed me into the songs. It was their St. Anger, basically.

My opinion, of course.
I've heard other people say that GHUA has a Nu Metal sound but I just don't hear it. I don't know.... it had been a long time since I'd got into a Slayer album so maybe that's why I liked GHUA so much, they sounded fresh to me.
I dont get why you're all slagging off Divine Intervention. It was their last decent offering I think with the sound being a continuation from South of Heaven and Seasons In The Abyss.
GHUA was my first Slayer album. I liked it then and I still like it. It's different, but I don't hear any NU-Metal.