Downward Spiral Poll

I don't hear much of it, but moments of it give off that vibe to me. Not the reason why i hate it, it's just that it just did absolutely NOTHING for me. NOTHING. Not one song. It all passed me by.

Oh, i forgot some, here's more.

Def Leppard: I LOVE their first three albums, especially On Through The Night and Pyromania(sorry Wyvern). Their fall began on Hysteria. Overall, i think it's just an alright album, for what it is, which is basically a hard edged pop/rock album. After that, the shit hit the fan and FAST. Adrenalize SUCKED, Slang was a worse and more boring piece of shit, Euphoria had a couple ok moments, but overall weak and, that was the worst offender, IMO. Just a waste of good plastic. If i want to listen to a lifeless, soft as baby's feces pop band with guitars, i'll hand out instruments to N*Synch. I'm sure they'd do a better job of it, which is just so fucking sad.

Aerosmith: Oh my, do Aerosmith suck these days! From a raw, gritty, dirty, bluesy, hard rock band to well....Air Supply and Phil Collins. Hell, i even liked their stuff in the 80's when they sounded like every other hard rock band of the day. But after Pump, they fall bad. I never liked an album after that. Particularly Just Push Play, or as i like to call it, 3 Doors Down...but worse!
carnut said:
Not really agree on this one Wyv. I think it's a great record. Although it indeed goes A BIT in the Metallica producing sound direction, I think DT has the quality to do this. The album has lots of compositions where the poor Metallica guys (and any nu metal band) only can dream about. But we'll see what the next record brings...
I respect your viewpoint, but is the core of those facts you mentioned what is so painful for me. If they're so good, why in Hell going down to the level of Numetallica or so and make that horrible sound? I mean they had "Images And Words', "Metropolis 2: Scene From A Memory" on their record, why stain it with this album? :err: (don't mind me just a matter of disagreement :D )

Abryl said:
Well of course, it's Slayer :loco:
Shut up you like "Load", in the middle ages you would have ended in the stake...burning! :p (and I don't even like Slayer :lol: )
Abryl said:
I must be the only one here who likes these albums :o

... and I like Load too... *runs away*
welll...I like Pink Bubbles Go Ape. :grin: I think Helloween's only bomb was Chameleon. Everything else is either good or amazingly awesome to me.
Greeno said:
I've heard other people say that GHUA has a Nu Metal sound but I just don't hear it. I don't know.... it had been a long time since I'd got into a Slayer album so maybe that's why I liked GHUA so much, they sounded fresh to me.
Yep, I don't think GHUAS has a Nu Metal sound or vibe either... sounds much more like a new HardCore influence to me! See how Araya sings on this record.

Still...why do I agree with you Greeno when at the same time you hate "Painkiller", this is just plain wrong :D

Wyvern said:
I respect your viewpoint, but is the core of those facts you mentioned what is so painful for me. If they're so good, why in Hell going down to the level of Numetallica or so and make that horrible sound? I mean they had "Images And Words', "Metropolis 2: Scene From A Memory" on their record, why stain it with this album? :err: (don't mind me just a matter of disagreement :D )

Shut up you like "Load", in the middle ages you would have ended in the stake...burning! :p (and I don't even like Slayer :lol: )

Haha, downloading Dream Theater - Master of Puppets (live) now, that will be interesting.... Anda, Wyvern, you got EVERY right for a different oppinion ;)
carnut said:
Haha, downloading Dream Theater - Master of Puppets (live) now, that will be interesting.... Anda, Wyvern, you got EVERY right for a different oppinion ;)
I got that bootleg is damn funny, but at least was Metallica they cover not sounding like Lica :loco:

And 'Stream Of Conciousness' and 'Vacant' are really good tunes. 'Endless Sacrifice' in the most part is pretty solid. 'As I Am' and 'In The Name Of God' are the barely listenable ones, and the rest are the crimes to humanity :p :grin:

But let's put it his way, since they are a prog band, I admit they wanted to experiment with a certain sound. And if the next album came out in the old vein or radically different (without sounding like System Of A Down or Napalm Death) I can live with TOT. On the other hand if like Lica they are going to walk on the yellow brick road...:erk:
Wyvern said:
Shut up you like "Load", in the middle ages you would have ended in the stake...burning! :p (and I don't even like Slayer :lol: )

:lol: Well I really don't have any problems with any Metallica album except St. Anger. Everybody hates them now, but I dare to be different ;)
Wicked Child said:
welll...I like Pink Bubbles Go Ape. :grin: I think Helloween's only bomb was Chameleon. Everything else is either good or amazingly awesome to me.

I feel the same way. The Chance is one of my favorite Helloween songs! :grin:

Another album I just remembered is Danzig 5 blackacidevil. What a load of crap! I guess he tried to experiment and what not, but what the hell? :err: The next two albums weren't AS BAD as this one, but he definitely lost something.