The Vinyl/Collector's Thread

CMDistro can really suck sometimes. The one vinyl I bought from there had seam splits out the ass. Granted it may have not been their fault, $26 for it was pretty lame.

Beautiful stuff:


^ Just ordered a couple more from them due to the discount etc right more mishap and it will be quite awhile before I consider doing it again though.
Hey guys, the fellows at (cool guys on a small label, I've bought from them several times) seem to have clearanced some of their vinyl. They have a very small selection but here's some of the stuff they have I noticed clearanced. (I'm bored)

Belphegor - The Last Supper - $10
Hate - Morphosis - $10
Lost Soul - Immerse in Infinity DLP on blue/black marble vinyl (I had to grab this one) - $8!!!!
Macabre - Grim Scary Tales pic disc - $11
Master - Slaves to Society - $10
Malevolent Creation - The Demos - $10
Nile - Worship the Animal pic disc - $11
Terrorizer - Horde of Zombies DLP - $14
Vomitory - Carnage Euphoria - $10
Vomitory - Opus Mortis VIII - $10
Unleashed - Eastern Blood – Hail To Poland DLP - $13

They also have a very small selection of cds for good prices.
Minor update (a couple of which are ltd. reissues that I feel dirty getting from CM, but oh well):


Marduk - Serpent Sermon. Got screwed out of my pre-order on the ltm edition but I was able to keep this copy with
20 dollars towards another purchase...meh, better than returning it.


Ulver - Nattens Madrigal (Ltd. 125ct. Blue Vinyl;Hard cover)


Katatonia - Brave Murder Day (Ltd. 250ct. Gray Vinyl)

Novembers Doom - Aphotic (Pre-order came with a patch, sticker and a signed pic.)
Apparently my pre-order of Eremita still hasn't been shipped despite the album already releasing and them charging my account two months ago. -_-. Really beginning to see which of these distro's manage to have their shit lined up straight and which just slag along.
Some stuff I've acquired recently. Again, crappy pictures, nice stuff


Alcest. 500 copies

Baroness - Yellow & Green special ed. The pre-order for this sold old :lol:

Bolt Thrower stuff. Black Vinyl so I didnt show them

Lost Soul - Immerse in Infinity DLP. Dark blue marble. Picture does no justice

Coffinworm - Great Bringer of Night gold. Only 120 made

Ghastly City Sleep - Moondrifts DLP. One purple, one pink, unique combination by my request.
This took AGES to get here, but it has finally arrived and is of great quality. Is the first gray vinyl i've seen in person that I actually find visually appealing.


Ihsahn - Eremita (Gray swirl vinyl, ltd)

Hooded Menace - Effigies of Evil (Green Opaque Vinyl; Ltd.)

Picked this up with the t-shirt bundle over the orange vinyl that came with the 7" and witchfinder general cover...because budgeting... that's why :(. That said, this one kind of has a cob webby visual feel over the green, which is very fitting for the record.
I sold a bunch of CDs to downsize a bit and since I had the money laying in my PayPal account I just splurged hard and bought the deathspell omega vinyl boxset and Jess and the ancient ones s/t on clear green. Will post pics when I get them.