The Vinyl/Collector's Thread

I got to my local store an hour after it opened and by that time most of the good stuff had blown out the door. I used the RSD discounts to get some stuff and bought enough that I qualified for 10 album cleanings using a VPI.

David Gilmour - S/T
Queen - Queen
Queen - The Works
ZZ Top - Tejas
Nazareth - 'Snaz
Uriah Heep - Best Of
Rush - Signals
Ghost - Opus Eponymous pic disc

Other Recents
Nile - Amongst The Catacombs of Nephren-Ka (orange/yellow splatter)
Nile - In The Beginning (black)
Nile - Black Seeds Of Vengeance (green/orange merge)
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines (green/gold merge)
Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked (red/gold merge)
Nile - Ithyphallic (2 x LP sand)
Nile - Those Whom The Gods Detest (2 x LP sand)
Nile - Worship The Animal (clear)
Nile - At The Gate Of Sethu (clear green)
The Eden House - Smoke & Mirrors (pic disc)
The Eden House - Half Life (white)
The Eden House - Timeflows (black)
Ozzy Osbourne - No Rest For The Wicked
Got my Electric Wizard self titled album signed today. Even by members that weren't in the band at the time, don't care. In all reality they we're kinda awkward, it was clear they didn't want to be there...But it's cool. I understand how it is. And I got to talk to Liz. Such a babe.

Waited in line super early last night to get this poster Thief was promoting and they didn't even have it. They had some budge ass black light poster that was done in like 5 minutes in Microsoft Paint. Ironically, I actually met the dude who did the art at the signing today, Jus introduced me to the dude thinking I was asking bc I liked it, when it truth I wanted to say it looked like a 6 year old did it. Almost wish I would've bought it just to laugh at how cheesy it was. I got his Info he said I could hit him up after the tour and he will mail me one for cost if I wanted it.

Pictures to come later. I'll take a pic of all the sweet merch I got from this weekend once it's over.

Night 2 of 3. This time at The Roxy, one of my favorite venues <3
My HHR haul came i today. I'm done buying records for a while ... dumped close to $200 on vinyl in the past month.






From last weeks cmdistro haul ...
That Perdition Temple wax is nice. Reminds me of laffy taffy or sherbert ice cream. Basically what Im trying to say is, I want to eat it.

From the weekend. No poster.


Both on black. Nothing to show there.
Got my Drudkh wax in over the weekend.

Contemplating emailing SoM to tell them I feel extremely mislead. It said it was a orange and black marble...There is no orange, its like a light mustard gold, and barely any black what so ever. And its not a marble, its completely translucent...I understand records never turn out fully the way they anticipate with their computer generated prediction, but still man...This is literally the only time I was like...WTF?!?...This is NOTHING like they advertised...Ill post pics later tonight.
My "silver/purple marble Ne Oblivicaris wax from them is pale purple.

Revenge/Black Witchery die hard split from NWN is one of the most badass die hards I've seen in a while. Flags of both awesome album arts.
The die hard version is the only way to get colored wax unless you buy it from a distributor that got some of the gold,ones.
Thanks, it's been too long since I added something to my vinyl collection! Waiting on the clear Horrendous vinyl with orange splatter (thanks to you guys for reminding of the album and so I could see where I could order it). I bought Ondskapt - Dödens Evangelium and Bölzer - Aura from my friend for only about 10 dollars. He only played them once, pretty stoked.

Nothing like working an 11 hour day to come home to records.

Antediluvian - Revelations in Excrement (test press limited to 20)
Antediluvian - Septentrional Theophany 7"

The 7" came with the first issue of Haruspex zine. Some sick interviews in here from Conqueror, Psuedogod, Faustcoven, and Bestial Raids. This reminded me that I need to get some more zines, I really enjoy the interviews.