The "What am i thinking on this pic" thread

Tut Ankh Amon said:

Oh Tut this pic is very : "Hey little girl, do you want a sweetie?" Mouahahah pervert ! :lol:
:lol: @erendis :lol: indeed AEUhEUAhEAUhaeuh :p

my last reply before going out:

Metal_Maiden - "Yeah tarja, you'd better watch it!"
Extendar - "They shaved my damn hair... and i gotta smile for pics... motherf$&*#$&"
Dilema - "Yeah baby, sucky-sucky, ten dollars. And don't complain about the price, i gotta buy my crack!"
Fenrir - "oh shit... someone put out the lights!"
StratoxDeath - "yeah bitch, i'm as a bad ass as a gnome can be!"

@Tut: "Woah, that dog is pissing... ha ha ha ha funny". :grin:
@MetalMaiden: "o_O That dog is looking at me, and I don't think he's willing to be my friend".
@Dilema: "Fuck, A Fire Inside has got the same shirt as me. Grammar-nazi faggot".
@Extendar: "My shorts are too tight... My balls want out!".
@Fenrir: "Sorry mom for I have pissed on the carpet"
@StratoxDeath: "I think I put the wrong dust on my milk today. THAT was not cocoa".

Here's mines.

NP: Maiden - The Evil That Men Do
@Extender: "Who farted?"
@Fenrir: "I better hide my good looks before these nerds start hitting on me."
@StratoxDeath: "Hey buddy, you gotta light?"
ok, lemme submit some:

@Tut: Hello there miss! What, me look at your cleavage!?!?! Never!!
@metal maiden: Ahh, it looks like a red-breasted chickadee! or is that a swallow?
@dilema: Where the fuck did I put my lighter?
@Extendar: I'm smiling now, but when you turn around, mr. cameraman...
@Strato: norsk arysk blak metal!!! rahhhh!
dilema1362 said:
Tuts is funny as hell....but i really dont see how you get that from my expression
i think i was on a "big" rant for a minute or two. . ill re do it. .


"those Seriously Off TOpic assholes think they are hot shit huh"