The "What am i thinking on this pic" thread


"Yes, hehe, that was my first time with a man.."


"I don't need them.. they'll regret not giving me the job of the chicken mascot. In fact, I'm going to come back tomorrow and burn them all.."


"Ahh.. the asshole has a straight flush.. time to whip out my 'hidden' cards. I'll make you cry like a little girl you cocky bastard"


"mm, what a nice place.. and that sure was a refreshing lunch. If only I had a bag of potato chips to go with that nice turnip soup, life'd be grand.."


"Hey it wa'nt me officer, I juz told 'im.. I told 'im I don't want no trouble and I told 'im lay off my ho asshole ..and he just fell, officer ..I didn't do nothin"


"hehe, It's so soft ^_^"


"I'm getting sick of me being the 'volunteer' and Alphonse taking all the credit as the magician. I'm not your bitch Alphonse!"


I don't give my guitar up to ceiling leprechauns easily.. but I'm quite intrigued by that shiny rainbow. ..Ok, fine, name the terms you little shit."


"Yes, come in. I can see you under the door.. I have a surprise for you if you want to give me a hand. It's the darndest thing...."


"I just pissed my pants and I dare ANY of you to make a crack about it!!!"