The "What am i thinking on this pic" thread


ok, what am i thinking. .
hey, why didn't someone warn me i was being stabbed at! (why is getting a boner being stabbed at measks)

anyway i'm not quite in the mood for pirates these days, i'm still recovering from the ironer fit, i don't need another one on top of it :P

though i can think of a few... three... five things i could have on top
HAHA!! that was great :lol:

congrats on your 13th whatever (still couldn't figure out 13th what hah) and your newfangled new tv reception :P enjoy!
also, try not to donate blood this month haha
deeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr which way did hee rock george. ..which way did he rock. . .

"Oh my God, everybody's looking at my bunny teeth! They're all watching.....I see them, everyday......leave me alone.......I don't know how to respond, a double fuck you to all sides should do the trick!..........OOOH GOD, OOOOOOOOOOH doesn't work!.....I will kill myself the first chance I get....after the concert....."