the "what are you currently listening to" thread

This album is AWESOME and the vinyl edition sounds amazing, but I don't think this is album of the year material. Not with bands like At the Gates, Sonata Arctica, Opeth, In Flames, and Anathema still coming out with albums later this year. Hell, the new Alcest album that came out in January is better than this, I think.

Still, the new Cynic will make it in my top 10, for sure.
I've been listening to the Lion's Roar nonstop ever since it came out and due to obligations I completely forgot the album was due.

Need to get my mitts on it as soon as possible. Thanks Rawshik ~~<3
^ That baby metal thing grosses me out.

Anyway, new Sinbreed. It's pretty much exactly what you'd get expect.
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I bet you two didn't even give "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" and "Megitsune" a chance. Naturally I don't take them seriously but at moments those 2 songs really show some true potential, and all I ask is that you listen to them ignoring what you've previously known to be "Babymetal".

Ancient Bards - Soulless Child (2011)
pretty solid release
I bet you two didn't even give "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" and "Megitsune" a chance. Naturally I don't take them seriously but at moments those 2 songs really show some true potential, and all I ask is that you listen to them ignoring what you've previously known to be "Babymetal".

Ancient Bards - Soulless Child (2011)
pretty solid release

I bet I did and still thought it sucked and was stupid.

Anyway, cranking Celeste. Holy crap is this band DEVESTATINGLY heavy and awesome. They offer their first 3 albums and 1 EP as free download/pay what you want.
I bet I did and still thought it sucked and was stupid.
You're filled with so much hate and intolerance when it comes to that gimmick band. I honestly don't see where this is coming from, it's a generic mixture of jpop and metal. Much like "autotune the news" or song covers done on various items (rulers, buckets, etc) I can still dedicate a few spins to a track and see why it should be considered good. Honestly, I don't see myself getting Babymetal's album, nor would I want it in my collection, but it was still a weirdly fun discovery.

Anyway, cranking Celeste. Holy crap is this band DEVESTATINGLY heavy and awesome. They offer their first 3 albums and 1 EP as free download/pay what you want.
"Humble bundle" inspired? :D
Been listening to Aquilus. Got their album Griseus yesterday. On the first spin, I like what I'm hearing, but it seems a bit disjointed at times. Like long sections of strings and acoustic guitar come out of nowhere. I think I just need to give it a few more listens to digest, though.