the what ifs


Aug 2, 2002
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what if St. Nick was actually nick goatschool and like, then christmas would actually be really cool for little kids and like, if he could control parts of this very universe with his santa-ness... what if he could make such a thing as blue bunny rabbits or like, what if there were dance parties at the north pole like "holla!" ?
oh and... my point in this post... mr. nick was to advise you that a friend is doing a magazine looking for art submissions (drawing, graphics, comics, poems all that stuff) and well... she rules. and like, i think maybe i ought to get you in touch with her. even if you're not santa.

the_preppy said:
what if St. Nick was actually nick goatschool and like, then christmas would actually be really cool for little kids and like, if he could control parts of this very universe with his santa-ness... what if he could make such a thing as blue bunny rabbits or like, what if there were dance parties at the north pole like "holla!" ?

i'm thinking there'd be a hell a lot of kids waking up with fanged coal spouting the most miserable, shitty facts about the universe in their stockings.

the rabbits, doable. there would most certainly be translucent monkeys.

the dance parties are lady elves only, and santa.

i will contact you about this magazine - NOW.