The what's going on in Thrash thread

I'm so sick of his lame jazz fusion bullshit that all sounds the same. Quit. Bring back Murphy! Or get Loomis away from that shit band he's in.

I've been saying for years that they would be better with Glen Alvelais back in the band. His style fits better than any other replacement they've had and he writes great solos too.

Loomis is already in Alcatrazz and some other bands/projects. I imagine he's too busy.
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Each to their own, I'm glad people can do what pleases them, yay for Alex and all that stuff, but he could have been organising a live stream show for us instead of this!

Who told Alex he should entertain us with his comedy? It's just another venue for him to look down on the working class people in this country who didn't grow up in Berkley.

I'd happily prefer living in Florida these days than in Cali, and thousands agree with me. There has been an exodus out of Cali and into states like Texas and Florida. California Exodus: Study Shows State Among Top 5 Showing Largest Outbound Migration – CBS San Francisco ( Must be nice to be so privileged to not have to worry about high taxes and increasing crime!
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I only read it. So what I'm hoping is that we're missing the way he said it. Which could make a big difference. Otherwise I'm gonna chalk it up to diarrhea of the mouth :)

I think the Jesus thing was just further proof he doesn't know how to say 'no comment', but he really does need to keep out of the media for a while. The media keep using goofy looking photos of him!
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Admittedly I know nothing about this band. To really drive it home, as I'm watching this I'm thinking. What? is the bass player the dude's brother or something? But then I realize I think the drummer is the vocalist? :D.

Exciter to me are one of those old bands that had some really good songs but not that many. They've been around forever and got a heap of songs but none of them really broke for me. It would the sort of band you'd make a mixed tape of because every second song they made doesn't really work.
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Who told Alex he should entertain us with his comedy? It's just another venue for him to look down on the working class people in this country who didn't grow up in Berkley.

I'd happily prefer living in Florida these days than in Cali, and thousands agree with me. There has been an exodus out of Cali and into states like Texas and Florida. California Exodus: Study Shows State Among Top 5 Showing Largest Outbound Migration – CBS San Francisco ( Must be nice to be so privileged to not have to worry about high taxes and increasing crime!

He does comedy? I have to say I've never heard or seeked out the comedy stylings of Alex. The last muso that tried to tell the world he was a comedian that I gave a chance was Steve Hughes and that was a fucking disaster, they guy is about as funny as a concrete slab and his stories are just as dry.
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Exciter is one of the very first speed/thrash metal bands. They have some great songs. I saw them live in 2002. For many years their drummer was their lead vocalist, like early Nocturnus.
Yeah all I really knew was that they have been around a long time. I'm not really sure why I never really got into them. Respect to anyone that can drum and do vocals at the same time!
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Exciter to me are one of those old bands that had some really good songs but not that many. They've been around forever and got a heap of songs but none of them really broke for me. It would the sort of band you'd make a mixed tape of because every second song they made doesn't really work.
Yeah I guess that seems right. And probably why I never picked them up.They were always kinda in the back of the magazines and their name was small on the cover. If it was even on it. I didn't even have any friends that really listened to them. But you know you can't listen to everyone. Well I can't. You and Neptune probably can/did. :cool:
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I've been saying for years that they would be better with Glen Alvelais back in the band. His style fits better than any other replacement they've had and he writes great solos too.

Loomis is already in Alcatrazz and some other bands/projects. I imagine he's too busy.
I wonder how much time aside from writing and recording Alcatrazz will take. I have no idea if that would be a heavy touring band. My hope would be Loomis would leave Arch enemy lol.
But yeah it would be great to have Glen back in. :headbang:
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I think the Jesus thing was just further proof he doesn't know how to say 'no comment', but he really does need to keep out of the media for a while. The media keep using goofy looking photos of him!
Yeah for sure. No comment can't be overused!
I wish Blabber would stop tacking on the "Scandal" it's just tainting everything now. He's just getting brutalized on that article about Menza's drums.
Let it go already. There will be enough people that will keep this going without being like. Hey in case you forgot! Jr spanked it! Okay I get it. I get the jokes. But it's the ones that run with and come up with all these horrible things that is really starting to bug me.
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He does comedy? I have to say I've never heard or seeked out the comedy stylings of Alex. The last muso that tried to tell the world he was a comedian that I gave a chance was Steve Hughes and that was a fucking disaster, they guy is about as funny as a concrete slab and his stories are just as dry.
Who told Alex he should entertain us with his comedy? It's just another venue for him to look down on the working class people in this country who didn't grow up in Berkley.

I'd happily prefer living in Florida these days than in Cali, and thousands agree with me. There has been an exodus out of Cali and into states like Texas and Florida. California Exodus: Study Shows State Among Top 5 Showing Largest Outbound Migration – CBS San Francisco ( Must be nice to be so privileged to not have to worry about high taxes and increasing crime!
Yeah. Sorry. Alex has definitely been a little snobby with metal at times. But I never got the impression he is a snob in general. And just because someone came from Berkley doesn't make them so.
Lol. Florida is white trash central they have had more covid deaths than whole countries.A whole state of people that wear wife beaters. And Texas is the most racist full of themselves for no reason state in the union. Both states are solid red and support a dipshit. Guess who is moving to those states.
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Yeah I guess that seems right. And probably why I never picked them up.They were always kinda in the back of the magazines and their name was small on the cover. If it was even on it. I didn't even have any friends that really listened to them. But you know you can't listen to everyone. Well I can't. You and Neptune probably can/did. :cool:

They've been around since '79 or something like that. There is probably plenty of people who will talk about them given a chance, but I don't know anyone who has more than 1 album.
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I wonder how much time aside from writing and recording Alcatrazz will take. I have no idea if that would be a heavy touring band. My hope would be Loomis would leave Arch enemy lol.
But yeah it would be great to have Glen back in. :headbang:

Tell Eric you'll take Alex's place, we can even put a silver streak in your hair!
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Yeah for sure. No comment can't be overused!
I wish Blabber would stop tacking on the "Scandal" it's just tainting everything now. He's just getting brutalized on that article about Menza's drums.
Let it go already. There will be enough people that will keep this going without being like. Hey in case you forgot! Jr spanked it! Okay I get it. I get the jokes. But it's the ones that run with and come up with all these horrible things that is really starting to bug me.

Yeah the media have blown the shit out of the incident more than it deserved. I can understand referring to it as a scandal when it first broke, but time has proven it's really a nothing subject, but they keep trying to make something of it. I understand that if Jnr kept saying "no comment " the media would just go elsewhere until they found someone else to make up an answer, but someone needs to stop them.

The idiot that keeps asking if Rob Halford is gay is a prime example of how stupid these people are, and Blabber know it, so they keep printing the horsehit headlines.
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Yeah the media have blown the shit out of the incident more than it deserved. I can understand referring to it as a scandal when it first broke, but time has proven it's really a nothing subject, but they keep trying to make something of it. I understand that if Jnr kept saying "no comment " the media would just go elsewhere until they found someone else to make up an answer, but someone needs to stop them.

The idiot that keeps asking if Rob Halford is gay is a prime example of how stupid these people are, and Blabber know it, so they keep printing the horsehit headlines.
Lol yeah that guy. Every time with that shit!
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