The what's going on in Thrash thread

Yes you are home here man,true friends abound !Well at least a few of us;)

There is no way FB can replace forums like this. That's why I only use it to read information.
One thing FB is goof for is getting the original articles that Blabber and the like get their headlines from. For instance this morning I look down my feed and don't have time to read an article in Guitar World with Gary Holt, an article in Decibel with Newstead about Doomsday and that it's Kirk Hammett's birthday. The last one is of most importance :P
Yeah right? Lol. And it's a much better interview than what we get with actual music sites. Wtf. Are you able to find Exodus today?

It's a bit sad when a non music mag actually writes an article better than the mag sites that claim to like the music.

I should be able to get Exodus, shops don't open for another few hours but I'm pretty sure it's on local release so it should be in the shop.
Holy fucking goddamn shit fuck!!
I just checked tracking and it says my expected delivery date for Exodus is the 23rd!
Why did these assholes wait so long to send it out?!! :mad::mad::yell::mad::bah:

Geez, that sounds like our postage, maybe it's coming from Australia :)
Although you do have to wonder how they expect people to keep pre-ordering stuff if they are not going to get out on or before release day.
There is no way FB can replace forums like this. That's why I only use it to read information.
One thing FB is goof for is getting the original articles that Blabber and the like get their headlines from. For instance this morning I look down my feed and don't have time to read an article in Guitar World with Gary Holt, an article in Decibel with Newstead about Doomsday and that it's Kirk Hammett's birthday. The last one is of most importance :p
Shit I forgot to look for the magazine with the Doomsday stuff in it.
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It's a bit sad when a non music mag actually writes an article better than the mag sites that claim to like the music.

I should be able to get Exodus, shops don't open for another few hours but I'm pretty sure it's on local release so it should be in the shop.
It's ridiculous. Site are so lazy.

Nice I hope you're able to!
Geez, that sounds like our postage, maybe it's coming from Australia :)
Although you do have to wonder how they expect people to keep pre-ordering stuff if they are not going to get out on or before release day.
I've been asking myself the same question. I am definitely not happy. It's only coming from Pennsylvania. Which isn't really that far.
Vinyl has a massive back log at the moment. Apparently there is only 2 factories in the world that produce the vinyl records require and they are swamped with orders. If you look on bandcamp some bands are quoting April before they can get vinyl ordered today to the people.

There has been shipping delays on Exodus here too. I've checked my local and several online stores and they are all saying no stock order only. One site says 5-7 days but the others don't put a time on it and it's all versions.

Fuck it I'm listening to it on Spotify now and until it arrives in store!