The what's going on in Thrash thread

The Sick, The Dying and The Dead is the new album title? Sounds like a description of the current status of Megadeth.

Seriously though, Dystopia was good. If we get another album of the same quality it will have been worth the wait.
Lol. Pretty funny and those two push it over the top. I agree I like Dystopia I hope it's a even a step or two faster.
The problem I see is that the build up has gone on for so long, the secret bassist bullshit has gone on for so long, everything has gone for so long that this album has to be a good one or Megadeth is pretty much over for a lot of people.
Yes I agree with that for sure. That first track will have to be absolutely screaming for me to get past all the bullshit and buy it.
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Yes I agree with that for sure. That first track will have to be absolutely screaming for me to get past all the bullshit and buy it.

I'll probably end up buying it since I have the rest, but if it's not great it might be a bargain bin find 12 months after release :)
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Lol. No I'm sorry. Was a stupid joke :erk:

Oh, I wasn't sure and my brain was telling me that jet engined plane that keeps circling above is an air raid. Paranoid? I don't think so, we do have an airport about 10 mins away but if a jet engine that big landed there we wouldn't have a hospital because it's only a small craft airport.
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Haha, yeah I hear you. I suppose I have a small bit of precedence as I don't have Risk. But I have everything else.

The worst case scenario is that it's crap, it wont get listened to and Megadeth probably wont make a worse one. Best case scenario is that it's a good album. It's risk I wouldn't take with many other bands.
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Aw. I wish you did too :headbang:. Hopefully they will have it in next time you go!

FARK ME!! I just looked on the shops website and BLS listed for this Friday is showing pre-orders as delayed with not ETA as well. I didn't pre-order and I will go in there anyway, but I hope it's not another delayed album.
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Is that a long box with the bonus making of DVD?Pretty sweet man. I haven’t even listened to it yet because I could easily check it out on my computer or phone,but I’m in the process of trying to repair my receiver and one of my crossovers in my speakers. I want to do the album justice ya know?!
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I can't get anything here, no matter what box it comes in and it looks like it's a problem for all labels. BLS Oz store tells me pre-orders ship from the 26th, which is release day. Remains to be seen if that will happen but I don't hold much hope for Exodus if even a local store for a band can't promise stuff on release day.
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Not with multiple albums across different labels. But everything has turned to shit here, we've got warehouse staff on strike, we've got truckies on strike, we've got nearly every part of the distribution chain (at different times) on strike or threatening strikes because they want more money and know the more interruption they cause the more people it effects.

I was reading the other day that we produce more than 90% of the books sold in this country in local printing houses, Those books are then shipped out by one company to all the retail warehouses. The trucking company now has their drivers on strike, they can't hire casual labour to drive the trucks, and the unions controlling the strikes wont let the workers go back to work unless they get something like an 8% pay rise and more holiday entitlements. they've effectively shut down book sales for Christmas.

I doubt we make that many locally sold CD's (and I know we don't make vinyl), but it could easily be a transport issue given the number of companies with striking workers.
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Yeah it has, and the thing that really shits me in this country is the number of people who worked through the pandemic, probably even got more money and extra hours, and they are now complaining. I have no issues with Doctors, nurses, medical staff complaining about how hard things were. But it shits me to hear retail staff, at supermarkets and the like, crying about how bad they had it because they had to work a bit harder through the same time. No!! Medical staff worked hard, nurses worked their arses off, the only thing out of the ordinary supermarket staff had to deal with was fuckwits buying too much dunny paper. The truck drivers aren't much better, some of those guys would have doubled their pay packets last year, yet 18 months on and things might go back to normal soon and suddenly they want to cry for pay rises.
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