The what's going on in Thrash thread

Crisix is out today and all the shops are shut because of Good Friday, stupid public holiday
Haha, a "remastered" version of Bring The Noize has just been posted on FB by Anthrax but FB wont let me share it on this forum :)
I saw it on my youtube feed. I'm not clicking Is sure as hell wasn't gonna subject you guys to it! Seriously. That's what they spend their fucking time doing?!
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That must be one of Gene's old belts! Looks like it could wrap around him three times now!! Seriously. He could make a good living just whipping bands into shape!

Yeah he's lost a lot of weight, and to do it while mostly on tour is really a credit to his dedication...and that weird powder shit he sells :)
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I saw it on my youtube feed. I'm not clicking Is sure as hell wasn't gonna subject you guys to it! Seriously. That's what they spend their fucking time doing?!

We are a deeply religious country....if it means we get a four day weekend. A few years ago Easter Sunday used to be a 'day of no trade' which meant only essential services could open, but big business successfully argued that they should be able to open so people can get their dresses, suits, and gardening supplies before heading to Sunday services.

I was going to post it just as a shit stir but bloody FB knew no one wanted to see it.

But Scotty says we should bang our heads!
Although I think he might have meant bang them into a brick wall to try and make the sound go away.
Between this and a remastered Bring The Noize Anthrax are really cementing their place on the top tier of thrash metal :)
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We are a deeply religious country....if it means we get a four day weekend. A few years ago Easter Sunday used to be a 'day of no trade' which meant only essential services could open, but big business successfully argued that they should be able to open so people can get their dresses, suits, and gardening supplies before heading to Sunday services.

I was going to post it just as a shit stir but bloody FB knew no one wanted to see it.
Oh! Please forgive me if I've offended your religious sensibilities! ;):)

Sometimes FB gets one right!
But Scotty says we should bang our heads!
Although I think he might have meant bang them into a brick wall to try and make the sound go away.
Between this and a remastered Bring The Noize Anthrax are really cementing their place on the top tier of thrash metal :)
23 seconds was all I could do. Something about, She loves cotton candy? That was enough. Sailing down the seas of cheese there.:p
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Yes! Massive will! And I guess that powder must work huh!?

There is too much of it out there not to work. My wife did it for a while and I did try cutting one meal a day and just having the shake but I couldn't do it for long
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Oh! Please forgive me if I've offended your religious sensibilities! ;):)

Sometimes FB gets one right!

If I was a true religious nut I wouldn't take your forgiveness, I'd start a war with you!
It is a fucking joke though, we are in the middle of an election campaign to vote for the next Great Pumpkin. 6 weeks of heavy campaigning and BS the media can't leave alone, expect on Good Friday because both leaders have to go to church!

Well they ought to get something right because they've changed the ad logarithms and my ad blocker has stopped working. How the fuck anyone views FB with ads is beyond, me every third post is a fucking ad!
We are a deeply religious country....if it means we get a four day weekend. A few years ago Easter Sunday used to be a 'day of no trade' which meant only essential services could open, but big business successfully argued that they should be able to open so people can get their dresses, suits, and gardening supplies before heading to Sunday services.

As an adult, the Christian celebration of Easter is one of the most metal holidays. Seriously, people believe their lord rose from the dead after 3 days? And that they commemorate this event by eating his body and drinking his blood? Brutal! :kickass::headbang:
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Yet still all we hear in this country is "four day weekend"
Oh and the other thing we hear is "don't go to the shop or get on the road on the Thursday before Easter because both are so busy" but people still fucking do it. When I used to deliver bread (not the bread of christ) Christmas eve the number of products I delivered would double from a normal day, but with Hot Cross Buns the day before Good Friday my deliveries would nearly triple. One year I had to get a second truck to follow me with just the supermarket orders on board because the orders went up so ridiculously. People are fucking idiots here when they know the shops are going to shut for a day.
I worked at a grocery store in college and Easter was one of the only two days they would close the store down. The other day was Christmas. As an adult I try to not go out on Holidays and force others to work. Any holiday in retail sucked and if I do go out on a holiday I overtip for good service.
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If I was a true religious nut I wouldn't take your forgiveness, I'd start a war with you!
It is a fucking joke though, we are in the middle of an election campaign to vote for the next Great Pumpkin. 6 weeks of heavy campaigning and BS the media can't leave alone, expect on Good Friday because both leaders have to go to church!

Well they ought to get something right because they've changed the ad logarithms and my ad blocker has stopped working. How the fuck anyone views FB with ads is beyond, me every third post is a fucking ad!
Great Pumpkin! HA! :tickled:
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Yet still all we hear in this country is "four day weekend"
Oh and the other thing we hear is "don't go to the shop or get on the road on the Thursday before Easter because both are so busy" but people still fucking do it. When I used to deliver bread (not the bread of christ) Christmas eve the number of products I delivered would double from a normal day, but with Hot Cross Buns the day before Good Friday my deliveries would nearly triple. One year I had to get a second truck to follow me with just the supermarket orders on board because the orders went up so ridiculously. People are fucking idiots here when they know the shops are going to shut for a day.
I don''t think I've ever had a hot cross bun. But man every time I see one on tv I want it!
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