The what's going on in Thrash thread

I know some disagree but this is the sort of thing that drives many people I know to downloading music.

No one I know will go out and pay $30-35 for a new CD of old material just because it has new artwork and a remix, it has to have something new to entice them. This sort of thing wont be repeated all over the world but in this country we pay way too much for CD's and even if it falls in the $20-30 range people who already have the original will think twice before buying another copy, they'll download it, especially since so few care about artwork these days anyway.
Every band should remix all their albums from the 80's and 90's, it will save them coming up with new material for a few years :)
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What they do is make it like Star Wars. "Here's what I wanted to write 30 years ago but wasn't allowed to." and as the song plays there is three words different between the new and the old version.
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Listening to the latest from English band Shrapnel. The vocals are a little hit and miss but the music is pretty cool.
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I've listened to Shrapnel twice now and it's a good album. Probably wont ever be a classic but it's good to see other trash bands making a name for themselves. Not sure about the UK but there is a big thrash scene in some of the European countries, some of it is hit and miss but there is some good stuff out there. If one good thing can be said about this digital shit it's that Youtube can give you so much access to bands you otherwise wouldn't hear to help you decide if albums are worth buying.

I haven't listened to For All Kings for a while but I put White Noise in the car the other day
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That's what I really like about youtube. Gone are the days where you would spend $18 dollars on something you had no idea was good or not. And then only be able to sell it back for $2 lol. I will always site Load as a prime example lol
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Another example of naive bands signing their life away.

This has been happening since the 60's, probably even before that, musos just wanting to be heard sign their lives away without understanding the contracts they sign. I don't really feel sorry for Obituary because they should have known, but I don't agree with the way record companies do this shit either. Roadrunner can official release and re-release anything Obituary created under their contract for as long as that contract's terms last and they don't even have to ask the band. It's how albums like Slayer's Live Undead got made and released, it's why muso's like John Fogerty weren't allowed to play the songs that made him famous for 30 years, it's why the market gets flooded with re-hashed shit that record companies are trying to make a last ditch buck off. Can almost guarantee that RR will repackage and release Obituary's first few albums at least twice before the contract expires and the band wont get a cent from it.
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Yeah there is some real horror stories about contracts and what's written in them. I know one of the biggest record companies in this country (has been for about 40 years) used to have coke parties where they would invite all the bands their A&R guys had seen potential in (back when A&R reps used to go out to pubs and find popular bands) and if any band refused to join in they were automatically refused any further contact. Wasn't even an after contract thing, the coke party was like an initiation, no coke and the boss wouldn't even listen to music. The guy was (probably still is) a sleaze bag who thought any female band member was his for the taking. There is D-grade smut movies that read better than what happened to some of the bands in this country 30 and 40 years ago but it's what some bands were prepared to do to get a deal.
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