The what's going on in Thrash thread

Glad to see they're still keeping up with the turn around cycle time between albums 😀
Your right,it has but it could be partly due to the passing of the OHM drummer David Eagle.
That cover was really cool (even if SaD is an exteremely overplayed and overcovered song). Chuck sounded strong and good!

I have to admit I've never heard Redemption before. I'll have to check them out. I like me some prog metal from time to time and Ray Alder's a good singer.
I had heard of them when they first started but I really forgot all about it. Ray does have a great voice..I wish he'd be more aggressive with it, but he sound good.
And this is really...I've wished someone would do something like this years ago. Friedman AND Poland?!

If I was a millionaire I'd would be putting together super songs all the damn time! Get Mustaine and Chuck and Blitz and just everybody! Even make Hetfield man up lol
And they wouldn't be able to refuse because I would throw ridiculous amounts of money at their favorite charities :)
If I was a millionaire I'd would be putting together super songs all the damn time! Get Mustaine and Chuck and Blitz and just everybody! Even make Hetfield man up lol
And they wouldn't be able to refuse because I would throw ridiculous amounts of money at their favorite charities :)

I hope that one day I will remind you of that quote and say "check" :saint:.

As for DROE - shame to admit, but I haven't actually bought it yet. Somehow I had too much on my mind and forgot about it. Never thought this would happen to me with a new T. release. Might be due to the poor setlist too.
Yeah he does,love these type of updates.Are you still practicing AXEMAN?