The what's going on in Thrash thread

I think a lot of it is their lifestyle

Yeah even without the drugs and shit some musos do, the life of a muso is not always great. Often when business was slow I moonlighted and in total I've probably spent more than fifteen years doing night shift either with the bands or driving trucks and just the change in sleeping patterns is enough to fuck the body up. These days my sleeping is fucked, I can sleep any time anywhere but getting more than an hour at time is impossible. Add to that life on the road tends to not always lead to the best diets. Some time life just aint as glamorous as some make it out to be :)
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As well as Gruesome I picked up Alien Weaponry yesterday. Given there is quite a bit of traditional Maori, or what some might call tribal roots, in the music it's probably not going to interest everyone but it's a powerful album for a bunch of kids and their first release. I think Napalm knew what they were doing when they signed these kids.
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Yeah even without the drugs and shit some musos do, the life of a muso is not always great. Often when business was slow I moonlighted and in total I've probably spent more than fifteen years doing night shift either with the bands or driving trucks and just the change in sleeping patterns is enough to fuck the body up. These days my sleeping is fucked, I can sleep any time anywhere but getting more than an hour at time is impossible. Add to that life on the road tends to not always lead to the best diets. Some time life just aint as glamorous as some make it out to be :)
An hour? ouch.
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As well as Gruesome I picked up Alien Weaponry yesterday. Given there is quite a bit of traditional Maori, or what some might call tribal roots, in the music it's probably not going to interest everyone but it's a powerful album for a bunch of kids and their first release. I think Napalm knew what they were doing when they signed these kids.
Yeah good luck with the Maori thing, there's totally a market for that...I only heard the one song but I didn't think it was that great.
How's Gruesome?
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An hour? ouch.

Yeah sucks but it's what shift work does. Both my dad and brother who have worked shift for years are the same. Stupid part is when I started driving trucks at night it took me so little to get into the sleep during the day routine, but then I started sleeping for half an hour here and an hour there between deliveries and sleeping during the day just fell by the wayside because I had things to do. Now I've given up the trucks and could happily get 8 hours a night I can't do it. I could get drugs to do it but I'm not really interested in that path.
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Yeah good luck with the Maori thing, there's totally a market for that...I only heard the one song but I didn't think it was that great.
How's Gruesome?

I guess it depends what you look for in music. Alien Weaponry is powerful, aggressive and thrashy and their message isn't overly different to a song like Indians by Anthrax or so many other bands who chose to write something patriotic/traditional, it's just that it's done with lyrics in another language and mixes traditional instruments, something bands like Anthrax and others never really chose to do. I love cultural music from just about any country, seeing the way other countries celebrate music can be truly inspirational, seeing it done to thrash is just the icing on the cake.

Gruesome is really nothing unexpected. That's not a bad thing though, they have pretty much marketed themselves as a Death clone and that's exactly what you get. The riffs and the drums are good and it almost feels like a new Death album but it's got more than enough to stand out on its own as well. I liked it, whether I find myself going back to it as often as I do early Death stuff time will tell. For an interesting mix try playing the last song Twisted Prayers while auto playing the new Dee Snider track in the back ground, it really does sound twisted :)
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I guess it depends what you look for in music. Alien Weaponry is powerful, aggressive and thrashy and their message isn't overly different to a song like Indians by Anthrax or so many other bands who chose to write something patriotic/traditional, it's just that it's done with lyrics in another language and mixes traditional instruments, something bands like Anthrax and others never really chose to do. I love cultural music from just about any country, seeing the way other countries celebrate music can be truly inspirational, seeing it done to thrash is just the icing on the cake.

Gruesome is really nothing unexpected. That's not a bad thing though, they have pretty much marketed themselves as a Death clone and that's exactly what you get. The riffs and the drums are good and it almost feels like a new Death album but it's got more than enough to stand out on its own as well. I liked it, whether I find myself going back to it as often as I do early Death stuff time will tell. For an interesting mix try playing the last song Twisted Prayers while auto playing the new Dee Snider track in the back ground, it really does sound twisted :)
I just didn't find the song to have anything to it. It was all very basic it was only the Maori that set them apart from any garage band and that's not enough for me.
and I felt the song was unnecessarily long.. nothing to do with the fact that I hate world music lol, it's what chased me away from Vai. But cultural music isn't necessarily world music I guess.

Still gotta listen to the Gruesome album.
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The one song was long but the whole album isn't made up of long songs, but honestly I didn't expect you to like it.

I'd be interested to see if there was room for Gruesome and Death together since they are so alike, but since Death wont ever be again Gruesome fills a void and they do it well.
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I haven't written them off completely, they're still young! :)

Yeah you know I hope I have room for them! I need another band and as you said Death isn't coming back. It will be interesting to see how long they can keep the "Spiritual Healing" sound going without also having to evolve from it. Not that I would be disappointed if they did it their whole career.
I just need to find the time to listen to it.
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Well I've read reports that claim this album is purely "spiritual healing" and they have tried to use different aspect of other Death albums with each release. But yes if they don't evolve how much further can they really go? They will eventually run out of Death albums to be 'influenced' by. Like you say if they don't evolve it's not the end for them but I think people will be calling for something else eventually.
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Proof that the drum set is in the studio anyway!:). I just really wish they had gotten Sneap for this. I feel like even if it's an instant classic I'll be thinking how much better it would have been if not for the production. Anthrax albums sound pretty good overall, they have weight that makes even the not so aggressive parts sound like they have more energy. I hope they got someone really good like Terry Date.
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