The what's going on in Thrash thread

There is a pic of Jason Bittner on FB saying "And drums are done"
Either it's taken him three days to set up his kit or they really are recording something.
Actually it's a video, I'm not clicking on it in case he really has taken this long to set the kit up.
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Lol poor cookie monster. Old Blabber is late with this one, I didn't think they were gonna pick it up.

New is all over the place lately. Seems Bravewords is the quickest most times but even some of their shit is old when it reaches the front page.
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Oh fuck! wtf! it's not been that long!

Guess they know more about what state he's really in than the media do.

This is one of those strange news stories like above, no other site is reporting things this bad as yet. I was hesitant to actually believe it at first given they were the only site with it, but I'm guessing it has to be right given the comments from his son and wife.
Guess they know more about what state he's really in than the media do.

This is one of those strange news stories like above, no other site is reporting things this bad as yet. I was hesitant to actually believe it at first given they were the only site with it, but I'm guessing it has to be right given the comments from his son and wife.
Man this sucks, gotta give him more of a chance than that! :mad:
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