The what's going on in Thrash thread

I think it's got to be about being a pigheaded wanker rather than money. Okay Dave misses out on some money if Lars gets his way but the money they would make off this one release would be small compared to the money they both make of every other release that has their name on it. It seems to me that Lars isn't holding out for the monetary value it's because he wants to be a prick to Dave. Until he stands up and proves otherwise I think he's just making himself look like a dick.

I do like the comments Dave made about James though.
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Yeah I think you're probably right about that.

Haha that part was pretty damn funny...I wonder if anyone ever has been frightened by Lars..physically that is. I'm sure he's got some mean attorneys :rofl:
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There is nothing more feared in this world than a weedy little drummer boy with his tongue hanging out of his mouth!

I'm going to write to Lars and ask if my name can go on the release instead of Dave's he doesn't know if he hates me yet.
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I'm sure he's going for the homeless look with the beanie and the winter gear. It's probably why he wants Dave's song credits, he's destitute. It's not Lars that is pulling the strings, it's James, he's beating all of Lars' lunch money out of him while no one is looking and it leaves Lars broke every week.
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Yep, we all feel sorry for him. Now with Dave taking money he so rightfully deserves we feel even more sorry for him. In six months time when he sues every radio station in the world that has ever played one of his songs, (or a song someone else has written, he's not fussy) we will finally realise that the music industry really does bleed musos dry and give them nothing in return. Then when he asks for $100000000000.00 in restitution we'll all realise just how right he really was and rally with him for the fair treatment of drummers with beanies.
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On a slightly related note of the music industry bleeding musos dry I read yesterday that Spotify are trying to cut out labels by making deals directly with the artist/management. Word is the money they are offering is quite good (although I'm sure that will change in time if they are successful) and it means the artist gets more money for their music. Seems like a good thing on the surface but I'm betting in the long run it wont be that much different to what is currently in place, someone will still be making more money than the person making the music.
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I'm all for more money to the band, but somehow I don't think this will be a good thing. If labels go away things are going to be more driven by singles and we can kiss cd's goodbye.
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I'm all for more money to the band, but somehow I don't think this will be a good thing. If labels go away things are going to be more driven by singles and we can kiss cd's goodbye.

Yeah I know quite a few independent artists who not that long ago hated Spotify and refused to use it. Now they are releasing songs on it because they realise it's getting them publicity they weren't getting. But for a band that wants to release albums and tour based on albums I can't really see it being positive for too long. I also can't see labels playing too kindly and letting bands sign multiple contracts like happens in the book world where the same author can have a general publishing contract and a separate epub contract to release different books.

My cuz released a song on Spotify last night. Only a few years ago he was dead against any form of digital music and a social media hater. Now he's releasing wrestling entrance songs on Spotify and advertising via every one of his friends FB pages.
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Yeah I know quite a few independent artists who not that long ago hated Spotify and refused to use it. Now they are releasing songs on it because they realise it's getting them publicity they weren't getting. But for a band that wants to release albums and tour based on albums I can't really see it being positive for too long. I also can't see labels playing too kindly and letting bands sign multiple contracts like happens in the book world where the same author can have a general publishing contract and a separate epub contract to release different books.

My cuz released a song on Spotify last night. Only a few years ago he was dead against any form of digital music and a social media hater. Now he's releasing wrestling entrance songs on Spotify and advertising via every one of his friends FB pages.
Out of all the arts bands must get screwed the most!
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Out of all the arts bands must get screwed the most!

Yeah it seems the way it goes. I just hope that if it does happen the bands who do sign up look at the bigger picture and don't just leap straight for the idea that they can get a few hundred grand for an album off Spotify.
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