The what's going on in Thrash thread

I started listening to 60's and 70's psychedelic type stuff years and years ago, nearly before I started listening to metal and I've never stopped listening to it, doom was just a progression from that for me. I really only do doom and psych with vocals that are clean and I don't go in for the blackened doom or whatever they call it but bands Electric Wizard are regulars on my playlist.

I saw that British radio thing it reminded me of a guy we used to have here years ago when shows like Idol and stuff first became popular. One of the radio stations would run a ring in comp for listeners to win a shitty prize of some sort and ever time they ran it the same guy would ring and sing something from Napalm Death or the like. I think I heard him do it about ten times, he never won but I really don't think he expected too.
I like old psychedelic rock I don't sit around and listen to it at least not since my teens but when it comes on something like the radio or in a movie it's pretty cool.

They should have given that guy something lol
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Souza is looking old, but I wouldn't him that, his mates are bigger than mine!
I love me some Mortal Sin Slammed,as far as the old psychedelic scene goes early 60's to mid 70's is where it's at!I have been discovering all kinds of great bands from here and abroad for the last ten years and counting!New Jag Panzer drops in august!
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Yeah Mortal Sin have always been a favourite of mine. We played our first gig with them back in about '91. Mat Maurer was one of the best blokes ever. Always happy to give support acts a helping hand and some wise words. If he was in town and not busy he'd drop in and have a listen to a demo or practise. Mortals still survived for a little while after he left but they weren't the same.
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I know what you mean,but I guess that's what happens when the old revolving door of band members comes into play.There last album was Absence Of Light correct?!I've seen interviews in the past of Matt,and your right a super cool dude!
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There last album was Absence Of Light correct?

Psychology of Death came after Absence of Faith. I actually liked it, it wasn't Face of Despair standard but it was still ok. They keep threatening of a reunion but I'm not sure it will happen.

What was the name of your band again?I would really like to check it out!!!

Lethal Dose. But it was back in the time of cassettes and long before every man and his dog had cameras on their phones, (it was before most people had phones to have cameras on) and none of us have digital copies of the stuff. The masters are with the guy who refuses to talk to any of the other band members and while there is a lot of stuff for Lethal Dose on the net none of it is us.

You keep reading and posting everything before I get to it :p
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Psychology of Death came after Absence of Faith. I actually liked it, it wasn't Face of Despair standard but it was still ok. They keep threatening of a reunion but I'm not sure it will happen.

Lethal Dose. But it was back in the time of cassettes and long before every man and his dog had cameras on their phones, (it was before most people had phones to have cameras on) and none of us have digital copies of the stuff. The masters are with the guy who refuses to talk to any of the other band members and while there is a lot of stuff for Lethal Dose on the net none of it is us.

You keep reading and posting everything before I get to it :p

Hahaha just doin my job lol, more posters are definitely welcome!
Problem here is that I read those new items but the kids are running around so I don't get to watch the videos until later at night and it's amazing how often I forget to go back and watch them.
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Kids are incredible time thieves lol

I'm starting to get the kids into metal, they like some of the more softer stuff like Kiss, Europe and one of them even started listening to Bon Jovi all by herself. But they are also listening to a bit more heavy stuff lately like Alestorm and Running Wild because of the pirate themes. I'm happy to let them find their own niche in metal if they want to but they are still a but young to sit at the breakfast table and listen to a bunch of old guys say fuck into a microphone over and over, their dad can do that!

When I first saw the film clip I thought the 360 degree view thing was great, but by the time the song was over I was sick of spinning the screen. Still haven't heard the new album yet, hoping to get my hands on it this week.
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Problem is I started my nieces early, mainly because their mother hated it, and although one of them is a bloody good guitarist and drummer now she's been influenced by the kids at school and she now thinks the best music is all that screamo shit and metal core.....another one lost to society. :)