The what's going on in Thrash thread

He's got a bit of a history so he might be bad ass on stage but I don't recognise any of the bands he's worked with and I was too slack to check each one out.
He was a session drummer and producer if I remember correctly that shows some pedigree.
He was a session drummer and producer if I remember correctly that shows some pedigree.
Okay I guess that is, you usually know your stuff when you're a session guy...but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a thrash guy. To me there's good and then there's thrash good lol. Oh what the hell I'll give him the benefit of the doubt:D. I still think they need a known pounder though.

Wish I could get a little bit more excited about such news. I like Annihilator but their last few albums really haven't done it for me.

Not sure if they are strictly thrash but I am looking forward to this.
Annihilator is a band I never really got into. None of my friends were into them. I liked stuff that I've heard, of course I know the obvious Alice In Hell
But I've also heard stuff that was a little off putting. But like I said I only know random songs. So I'm totally open to them( or him ) coming out with a kickass album
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Okay I guess that is, you usually know your stuff when you're a session guy...but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a thrash guy.


that's true, there has been plenty of session guys who have gone on to big things on stage, even guitar techs have gone on to be big shit on stage but being one doesn't automatically make you band material.

Annihilator is a band I never really got into. None of my friends were into them. I liked stuff that I've heard, of course I know the obvious Alice In Hell

I was into them early but something changed ten or so years ago and it hasn't been the same since.

I checked out that Orden? Just not my kind of thing. Good drummer though:kickass:

Orden Ogan is more of a power metal band I guess, I go through stages where all I listen to is power metal they are always on the list
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That's cool though, I only really have two stages, thrash and solo guitar stuff lol I can't help it! As far as what I buy and mainly put into the stereo.
But I like a bunch of classic rock and grew up on the 80'3 hard rock stuff being everywhere. No Glam Rock though!
It was hilarious when Dave Mustaine said Glam stood for Gay LA Music lol! Sometimes Dave gives you gold!
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My collection is a lot more broad. I really only stay away from top40 and rap, I have albums in just about every other genre developed from the 60's to now.

Unfortunately Dave is one of those people who says a lot but it's the stupid shit that gets remembered the most. I remember on the RIP tour the guy had terrific stage banter with both the crowd and the band, he even stopped the show at one point and called the crew over to help drag a guy in a wheelchair out of the pit (god knows why he was there really). Then later in the night he stopped the gig because there was some guys beating the shit out of each other in the pit and security was ignoring it. He not only managed to get the crowd to stop the fight he gave the security guys a five minute bollocking for not doing their job. But none of that is remembered because everyone thinks Dave is a dick.
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Yeah I've seen some vids of him doing things like that. I believe Dave overall has a good heart. Sounds like a great show by the way! On the Countdown show I saw he barely said a word. Except once to bitch about CNN and what he said didn't even make sense lol.
Yeah I've seen some vids of him doing things like that. I believe Dave overall has a good heart. Sounds like a great show by the way! On the Countdown show I saw he barely said a word. Except once to bitch about CNN and what he said didn't even make sense lol.

I saw him a few weeks back, maybe in Japan, giving a tribute to Chris Cornell and even then some guy in the crowd wanted to yell out some shit to Dave to get a bite. I couldn't hear the full comment but even Metal Injection were kind of sticking up for Dave.

Man this interviewer just brought up Poison, said they had a realness lol and said Metal Church was a hard rock band lol. Fucking clueless.

Well Poison were real, many a time, especially since they left the stage, we wish they weren't but they were real so technically he's correct there :)

I'm not sure when Metal Church were a hard rock band though. They did go through a few changes and rough periods but I don't even think they dabbled with too many songs that would be considered hard rock.
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Yeah I watched that, I posted it here somewhere lol. It made me want Megadeth to do a real studio cover of the song.
There's always the drunk asshole that won't shut up!

I think it caught Mike off guard lol They're talking about Metal Church and he starts talking about Poison! lol
That guy lost any cred he might have had Hahaha
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There's always the drunk asshole that won't shut up!

Yeah there's been some good put downs over the years from musos and comedians alike who at some point got he shits with someone who can't hold their booze and think they are they funniest person in the wrold.

I think it caught Mike off guard lol They're talking about Metal Church and he starts talking about Poison! lol

I can see the connection, they both play music, they both make noise and Metal Church often sing about horrific topic and Poison are horrific, easy mistake to make :)
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You're right... I've made a terrible mistake when I told the guy he was out of his mind:D

AS long as I'm not in a mind like that I don't mind :)

The weirdest thing about that video was that it's got Dave's name on it but the face on the still shot looks nothing like Dave on my computer.

In some ways I can see where Dave is coming from with the riffs etc submitted to management, each member has their own manager and contract with the record company then the band has a manager. Dave is and always has been Megadeth, even Dave Jrn says that and in some ways it makes sense. I can also see that sitting down with the band all together and just writing could be helpful but each to their own.
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