The what's going on in Thrash thread

They do an album every two years pretty much. I just want ONE done as a collaboration like a real band. Just try it lol

The thing is they aren't the only band to write in a similar fashion. There's stories through the years of bands where only one or two of the members write the songs, sometimes it's a diplomatic excuse, other times, especially when one member leaves it gets shitty and someone is a control freak.

Happy 26th Birthday CANNIBAL CORPSE's Butchered At Birth - July 1st, 1991

Been a long time since I've listened to that one, might have to give it a spin later.
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Yeah I know, it usually does come down to one or two people a lot. But in Megadeths case why keep getting these amazing players that are known for their style and then not utilize that. He holds them back he doesn't really let them grow. And they leave or get fired cause they didn't seem interested. And Dave has also put out his fair share of not so great stuff. So it's not like there is no benefit to letting others bring in ideas.

In Testaments case I wish they would jam as a band and do an album that way. Eric is fucking amazing but I always wonder what this giant of a line up could do together, as long as Chuck is on vocals it's gonna sound good and like Testament. And I think they'd all have fun . That goes for Dave as well , you know I think he needs it most of all. He got booted from Metallica and one of the things he says hurt the most was that he thought they were a real group of friends, like the four musketeers. But he pushes that away with his own band. So he's never gonna have that real brotherhood that he wants. And I think a Dave that's having fun is the most productive Dave. He seems to kind of have that again with Kiko and Dirk. But he'll probably end up pushing them away too. Let's hope this line up remains for the next album and Dave lets Dirk do some stuff. He lets the guitars go all out but then reigns in the drums.
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There was another article a while back which could go a way to explaining some of it. When some musos have multiple contracts with bands it's not always as simple as writing for one and not the other. Some contracts state they can't write for a second band, or can only write so much especially if the artists are on different labels. Dave's probably not the easiest guy to get along with but I can understand him not wanting the next Megadeth album to sound like an Angra album. From what the articles says (there is a few of them out there talking about the video above now) Dave's not stopping the others write he's making things go through the record label and management before they get approved, it's also suggested that he's not a part of that initial approval process. With some bands this could be a very productive way of doing things.

I got the impression (and I could be wrong) that the last Testament album was pretty much all Eric doing the initial work. Seemed the first batch of "we are doing a new album" articles was all him talking about the new songs he'd written, even to a point of saying that he'd written a song so fast that Gene was going to shit himself when he played it. Gene's probably a hard bloke to tie down but we know he can hold his own writing songs but from the articles he didn't get a chance for the new album whether he wanted to or not. I think a lot of it is just the way the bands are portrayed in the press.
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In Testaments case they just kept accepting tours and tours and festivals and etc lol
And then time caught up with them and everyone is busy all at once...and blah blah blah . Chuck has said he doesn't want to do it that way again. So I hope he gets his wish!

I'm not saying He should let people change the sound of Megadeth to sound like another band. I'm saying little things just parts of songs. He's very rigid always saying Megadeth has a sound.But if you know Megadeth you know that that sound is all over the place. There is no set sound. And Dave has no problem doing that when it's him that does it lol. Just up the drums, that's all I want lol know I think the biggest change to their sound has been the change in tuning.

I guess it depends on your definition of press lol. There's enough info from enough interviews to kind of sort out the way things are. Not the headlines on blabbermouth lol. I always use their link to the real story or watch the video because you can't get the way someone emphasize a word in type really. That's sometimes Dave's problem..but not as much as he'd like us to believe. ;)
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Chuck has said he doesn't want to do it that way again. So I hope he gets his wish!

What Chuck says goes at all times, doesn't matter what it is :)

I'm not saying He should let people change the sound of Megadeth to sound like another band. I'm saying little things just parts of songs. He's very rigid always saying Megadeth has a sound.But if you know Megadeth you know that that sound is all over the place. There is no set sound. And Dave has no problem doing that when it's him that does it lol. Just up the drums, that's all I want lol

I wasn't saying that either but sometimes it's going to happen, Kiko has a style in Angra and if he plays that a lot his writing may head that way. Not saying it has to but if he's got to submit his songs to management rather than just the band then it can go a way to removing the thought of "Dave ignored my input". If Marty came into Megadeth now he'd do the same, it's not a flaw it's human nature to play what your used to and what Marty is used to isn't really the current direction of Megadeth.

I guess it depends on your definition of press lol. There's enough info from enough interviews to kind of sort out the way things are. Not the headlines on blabbermouth lol. I always use their link to the real story or watch the video because you can't get the way someone emphasize a word in type really. That's sometimes Dave's problem..but not as much as he'd like us to believe. ;)

I tend to even take the spoken word with a grain of salt these days. Too many people change their stories too often and shit has a habit of being blown out. I don't mind listening to or reading stories and laughing at them but I tend not to believe anything 100% no matter how it's presented because tomorrow these people are just as likely to change their mind. Look at all that shit the last few weeks with Gene and the horns, videos, press, they were all the same, people throwing their opinion left right and centre trying to convince everyone else it was fact. Half the time they were talking about two different things yet each one still claimed their story was fact, then there was the ones who just wanted to name call and be little. Once everyone cooled down and got over all their little tanties two things happened. No one was proven right and Gene succeeded yet again in getting the world to focus on him, the only winner out of all it was Gene and the stupid part is those shit canning him didn't even realise they helped.
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Mildly interesting interview with Mike Muir.
Wasn't disappointed to hear him say it was going to be a more political record but I am getting sick of political statements. Then when I read the following I couldn't help but agree
People always say, 'Are you political?' I say, 'I'm not political. I just don't like to be fucked with, and I don't like when people fuck with themselves.' People will very easily say, 'Oh, the politicians, they're fucking with me.' And if you watch them in their life, I go, 'Dude, you're doing more fucking damage to [yourself] than any politician ever has.'

Obviously he's free to say what he likes but it's articles like this that I wont read...of any muso not just Dave. The heading puts me off before I can get interested in the article.
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What Chuck says goes at all times, doesn't matter what it is :)

I wasn't saying that either but sometimes it's going to happen, Kiko has a style in Angra and if he plays that a lot his writing may head that way. Not saying it has to but if he's got to submit his songs to management rather than just the band then it can go a way to removing the thought of "Dave ignored my input". If Marty came into Megadeth now he'd do the same, it's not a flaw it's human nature to play what your used to and what Marty is used to isn't really the current direction of Megadeth.

I have no real idea what Angra sounds like, What I'm saying is if they all got together and jammed the ideas would flow naturally between them,
there wouldn't be an awkwardness because you're all working it out together at the same time. And to rely on business people to understand your work? I wouldn't want to do that, there's too many factors. What if they don't like you? what if they had a bad day? what if it's in their best interest to not ok the song. Not to mention these people are very often here today gone tomorrow.

I tend to even take the spoken word with a grain of salt these days. Too many people change their stories too often and shit has a habit of being blown out. I don't mind listening to or reading stories and laughing at them but I tend not to believe anything 100% no matter how it's presented because tomorrow these people are just as likely to change their mind. Look at all that shit the last few weeks with Gene and the horns, videos, press, they were all the same, people throwing their opinion left right and centre trying to convince everyone else it was fact. Half the time they were talking about two different things yet each one still claimed their story was fact, then there was the ones who just wanted to name call and be little. Once everyone cooled down and got over all their little tanties two things happened. No one was proven right and Gene succeeded yet again in getting the world to focus on him, the only winner out of all it was Gene and the stupid part is those shit canning him didn't even realise they helped.

Even if they keep changing their story, between everyone involved the truth is in there. But if you can't take someone at their word you really can't believe anything ever unless you see it with your own eyes and that's impossible. The word is all we have. And usually bullshit is pretty obvious to spot.

We don't exactly know that Gene was just seeking attention. Gene has attention anytime he wants it, he's Gene Simmons lol
He may very well have thought he made it up, I mean he said that he did in articles. unless the site made that up and then they'd be liable for a lawsuit. Or he may have thought he could get away with it. But it's an old Italian thing so it'd be like copy writing the finger.
But anyway I don't see how it helped him, it didn't get him any love or sell records or really do anything. People with brains chuckled
and people without screamed and ranted as they tend to do.
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Mildly interesting interview with Mike Muir.
Wasn't disappointed to hear him say it was going to be a more political record but I am getting sick of political statements. Then when I read the following I couldn't help but agree

Obviously he's free to say what he likes but it's articles like this that I wont read...of any muso not just Dave. The heading puts me off before I can get interested in the article.
Yeah I know, but screw their headline it's their job to do that. It doesn't mean the article or video is false. But yeah that sounds like an opinion he's stated many times and doesn't interest me either lol
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Even if they keep changing their story, between everyone involved the truth is in there. But if you can't take someone at their word you really can't believe anything ever unless you see it with your own eyes and that's impossible. The word is all we have. And usually bullshit is pretty obvious to spot.

My problem is that I've done video production and I know how easy it is to cut and paste. I agree that if they say it you should be able to believe it but I have trouble believing every word of everything I read or view. I'm just an old fart cynic who doesn't believe the world is flat :heh:

But anyway I don't see how it helped him, it didn't get him any love or sell records or really do anything. People with brains chuckled
and people without screamed and ranted as they tend to do.

It got people talking about Gene. Gene's number one product is Kiss, his number two product is Gene. He knows that when people talk about him good or bad it still advertising and keeping his name out there. He may well be right that he was the first to use his version of the horns on stage and he was extremely careful to distinguish the difference between his horns and the ones so many people claim Dio invented. To me that was a very deliberate move, it might have pissed off the fans and some of the musos who dislike him and think he's about money, but it was a very calculated move weighing up the bad with the good. He's an extremely clever business man he knew people wouldn't like it, but he weighed up the good and the bad and knew the bad wouldn't effect him like some claimed it would but it would put him back in the news. I think the entire thing was Gene once again playing the media for the fools they are and using it to his advantage. He didn't just wake up one morning and think that it would be a good idea to trademark a finger gesture he knew was used in sign language and therefore would have limited chance of trademarking it was orchestrated from the initial step.

Yeah I know, but screw their headline it's their job to do that. It doesn't mean the article or video is false. But yeah that sounds like an opinion he's stated many times and doesn't interest me either lol

I wouldn't call the video false, like you I've heard him say similar things quite often. I know he thinks he deserves such accolade and he's free to think that but it's very rare I would click on a headline like that on any site because to me it's little more than stale click bait. If the heading was "Dave kicks dog and pissed on lamp post", I'd be more inclined to click on it and then be disappointed that it turned out to be a dream and he actually just said he wanted a RNR hall of fame accolade again.
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Well that's assuming Gene actually is infallible. Important rich people, companies and politicians get sued for things that they do all the time.
even lawyers.And I'm amazed because it seemed so obvious that it was wrong. But as rich and smart as they are they still did something stupid.
And Gene wasn't that careful because he said he got it from Spiderman. That right there says he didn't invent it. And the other version of it is American sign language. The only people that do horns with the thumb out are posers and people too waisted to know what they're doing lol
Frankly I think Gene is slipping a little. And if it really was a stunt just to be in the press then it's all about ego and so congrats Gene you got on Blabbermouth an accomplishment even a kardashian can do...I refuse to capitalize or spell their name right.

LOL! That's pretty much what it is lol But I have no clue who the Columbus Dispatch is. But if it's right it would be a shame if he was the only one from Megadeth to get it. Personally I don't know why he cares.
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These guys that get on stage look like the hipster dbag AI people that get spoofed on GTA lol
Those shorts are disturbing.

His voice is so damn strong, I bet he doesn't even need a PA. By the third song he's just slaying it!
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I think what Gene did was calculated and well calculated and I also think the knew before he put the patent forward that he wasn't going to get it. He also didn't pull it because of 'public pressure'. He's not stupid. Whatever reasons he did it for wasn't to 'own' something or stop someone else from having it, but I suspect the real reason is in Gene's head and nowhere else.

I wonder if Dave's biggest reason for wanting it is because Metallica has it. I accept he's done a lot for thrash (which isn't RNR apparently :tickled: ) and I also think it will happen one day. I would assume it would go to Megadeth and current members as it did with Metallica and the like, as opposed to just Dave himself. However I wouldn't be surprised that if it was an award to the whole band it was only the two Dave's who accepted the award, but really an award to the band should go to all members not just current members.

Oh yeah those shorts are bad, really bad.
I thought we played some bad stages on our day but that stage looks tiny. The smallest stage we ever played there was no room for us to move around and the drummer couldn't use any cymbals above the kit, he was only 5 foot 8 and he couldn't even stand on the riser without crouching.
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LOL! Gene's head and nowhere else lol. Yeah one thing he'll never lose is his Gene-ness. Which I'm sure he would call, Genius.

Poland, Gar, Jr. Marty and Nick should all be in. And maybe the currant line up depending on how long they stay in it.

Man those shorts the headband just everything lol I swear if I was to draw a picture of a hipster that would be it!

Holy crap man lol how did you guys play?! lol
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Which I'm sure he would call, Genius.

Check the patents office I'm sure he's already registered it, probably spelt GENEus to avoid any complications with trademarking dictionary words :)

Poland, Gar, Jr. Marty and Nick should all be in. And maybe the currant line up depending on how long they stay in it.

I agree but the problem with that is who turns up to get the award, can't see everyone turning up. And lets face it any band who gets on stage with a current line up to accept an award that spans their career is going to cop flack for not bring old players up. Metallica copped the same shit for not acknowledging Dave when they got their awards. The worst problem with that is that Dave is still bleeding to the media about it when he gets a chance. Actually no that's not the worst thing, the worst thing is Dave talks shit about not being on stage with Metallica then comes out yesterday and says the Grammy for Dyspotia should have been his because he wrote the song. Joking or not (and it seems he wasn't) it looks like just another one of Dave's ego trips in the media.

Man those shorts the headband just everything lol I swear if I was to draw a picture of a hipster that would be it!

Maybe Dave needs a pair of them to make things a bit tighter up there and hold the blood in to save him from having little outbursts.

Holy crap man lol how did you guys play?! lol

Thankfully it was only one venue like that but we did have some small stages. The thing was most of the venues we had to play back then were either pubs with small stages or night clubs which every other night have dance acts and DJ's playing top 40 crap. The pub scene was bit here but the art of the pub scene was playing dingy little holes. It wasn't until the mid 90's we started getting dedicated pubs for metal, they were good but they were still dingy...still are dingy

I saw that but it was too late for me when I did because I'd already seen the articles on Dave on the same page and I was turned off :)
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I don't who shows up lol Just make it that whoever is getting in can come or not come. I think Megadeth fans would largely agree on who gets in. The impact of certain players is no secret. the problem would be Dave running his mouth if anything lol
LOL I'll get him a pair! what's the hipster store? lol Old Navy or the Salvation Army? :D

What was the best place you played?
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I've not doubt the conversations about who gets to claim the award is fed by the media as well as some of the artists but I think it's stupid, unless the award has only one person's name on it the whole band deserves it. How they decide who collects the award is up to them but it's still an award for the whole band and once the show is over the chatter and bullshit should be over a well.

We had a few good places. We did some good outdoor events with other bands, we did an entire weekend for the Hells Angels which was a bit of an eye opener for many different reasons. But some of the best gigs were ones we organised as opposed to played at. The venues might not have been much but when you can organise a bunch of unsigned bands that are local and the kids wants to see all on the same bill it's a good feeling. Obviously it's not a case with all bands but with some of them the second they get a sniff of success they turn into dicks.

One band we had from their first gig, and we put them on more than a dozen times without charging them a cent for the venue or PA system while they were building up a fanbase, released a single which was getting airplay so we asked them back to do a charity gig where all money went to kids charities and the fucking turds turned up and told us they would only play if we adhered to their rider. Fair enough all of the 15 bands had riders and the food etc was donated so it was all good but when we added it up these egotistical hard rockers who did go on to being a big thing, but weren't at the time, wanted a rider worth $12,000 for playing a 35 minute set. Strangely enough they didn't play and we had a huge night of bands, skaters, BMX riders and one hell of a party for the kids of the area and they got told to fuck off.
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