The what's going on in Thrash thread

Some of the music is more metal than some people listen too :) But yeah I don't buy their stuff and I wouldn't go and see them live.

I was just having a look down the new release list for this month and I couldn't see anything worth waiting for. Alice Cooper is about that only one I'd listen to and that's more for nostalgic reasons than anything else. I hope there is some albums coming out that aren't on the wiki list or I may as well buy MOD locally.
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Hmm, I guess I can't really think of any either. But I do have to catch up on some older stuff. I want to get the Death remasters but I don't know if they are true to the originals. I don't want a repeat of the Megadeth reissues. Those were awful. I bought four of them and stopped. Some of the bonus stuff wasn't bad though.Millenium Of The Blind and Absolution are cool songs.
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I'm not big on remasters, if I've got the original on tape and the remasters is a good price I might get it but I tend to stick with the originals even if they sound a bit crappy.
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Most of the stuff I listen to are the originals but that might be because much of it hasn't been remastered lol. but no I like the originals but if the remaster is done just right which in my opinion is just making it louder and clearer maybe bringing the bass out a bit more in some cases and the bass drums because a lot of the drums in the 80's didn't have much weight to them. But mostly just louder and I'd be all for it.
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For me remastered doesn't hold much because I listen to a lot of my stuff on MP3. Because I tend to listen while in the car or on the PC most of it is digital. I listen to every new album I buy at least once but I tend to rip it then listen to it away from the stereo most of the time after that so remastered or not doesn't make much difference.
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I listen to the same songs on short trip because there is nothing worse than listening to something epic and only getting to the second chorus before it's time to get out.
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True, I got lucky because my favorite part of the song is the las minute. So if I really need to I can just keep rewinding lol.. is it still rewinding? Or is that reserved only for tapes?:erk::D
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I don't know what you do with CD's, I guess it's just skip. I plug the MP3 player in but it's only a cheap MP3 player and the screen is hard to read in the sunlight so sometimes it's a lucky dip when I skip a song. Not as bad as when I used to listen to CD's and the 5th disc in the machine was always Dora the Explorer for my daughter. I'd go from trashing along to Slayer to friggen Dora and praying the windows weren't open for people to hear :)
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I can skip but if I hold the button it rewinds or reverses or whatever the hell.
I had to go through that very same thing with my friends kid lol. God those were dark least it was your own kid!
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Yeah I can listen to a lot of variety in my music but kids music is a not fun. Although these days it's bloody kids TV show and DVD since I installed the video screen in the back seat.

Bloody hell, I'm going to give it a day or so and see someone posts that gig in one clip I can download rather than watch all them!
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There has been quiet a few full concerts of Iron Maiden's US tour lately so I reckon someone must have the Exodus one in a complete set.
I hope so cause it doesn't look like this guy has upgraded his camera since the freakin 80's.
Seriously you could get away with it back then but now it's really cheap to get a really good recording lol
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Or Exodus should have just realised how many people wanted to see it and filmed it for themselves and stuck in on their website :)
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Might be contractual issues stopping a tour. Doing a one off doesn't require as many record companies and agents signatures as an entire tour. Besides they need reinforced stages with that many people up there at once. :)