The "which DT forum member am I ?" game


Oct 28, 2001
The thread title is pretty clear about the game, so I'll start with an easy one:

I just came back from a huge party thrown exclusively for swedish death metal starlets, but I was invited because I've lots of contacts and btw, Mikael just handed me the new album which hasn't been recorded by the band yet, oh did I mention I have Mikael's name on my cell phone, and he has mine on his (though we forgot to the actual numbers, we just saved the names)? :p

Note: I don't mean to insult anyone with this game, but if someone does feel insulted, you're a whiny little bitch :p
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I've been gone for quite some time... but I remember from when I first showed up here that the description you just gave could fit how everyone was describing poor ol' At The Gates.... but you threw me with the 'starlets' part... I've been gone just too long... :(

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i do feel insulted because nobody has done me yet. :p

let's try with this one:

hello, just dropping by to tell you how much the place where i live sucks. everyone is a total asshole and there is no entertainment at my level. a few minutes ago a man belched loudly, forcing me to write a 300-pages statement about the decay of the human race

to show that i don't mean any harm, the person i'm referring to will get a private message and flowers. :D
if you mean to hang around for a while, let's just pick the first girl who shows up on the forum today, otherwise you'll choose freely next time you get on.
please understand i'm living on central europe time, so (a) it's just 8.12am, and (b) i must act a bit childish. :p
Well, it depends when I collapse unconcious... I was having too much fun just pressing F5 over and over... I'm thinking its soon...

Ah... hrm... understand I'm on eastern standard time... so a) its 2:17 am, and b) living on central europe time requires you to act childish? :p

~Kovenant - spacin out... :p
Well we ought to give her a kiss : D
And if you'd help me we can go take her away and bring her somewhere better, warm, and with some fine people.

(We can wear ninja suits
Oh I'm deeply flattered ;) Do you want a 600 page essay on the decay of human race based on this, and should I also throw in some profound musings on life in general, and draw parallells between that and this forum? :p

@MagSec: what warm place did you have in mind? and what fine people? :p