The "which DT forum member am I ?" game

i thought the red stars stood for "no" and the green stars for "yes", so i was trying to figure out who could be the arrogant prick without any command of language around here. :( i still would have come to the conclusion that it was me...
Rusty and rahvin are correct.

Who am I?

"I won't be posting here the next few days or two because I will be at home where I only have a 56k connection, and either way, I'm too handsome to get online during my 'hometime', I have too many women to deal with.. though I'll probably have bad luck again.."
Koich said:
you always, always manage to come and post here during the 20' per century when i'm away from the computer. :bah: you must be the most incredible stalker ever.
and all you people from the land of oz seem to be online at more or less any time. it must be nighttime for you and caelestia and the rest of the lot as well, at some point.
A nipple fetish ah?

Rusty and....

(sure, she may look innocent

Magsec4 said:
"I won't be posting here the next few days or two because I will be at home where I only have a 56k connection, and either way, I'm too handsome to get online during my 'hometime', I have too many women to deal with.. though I'll probably have bad luck again.."
:lol: And the best with this is that's almost true! :loco:

Except for that I never blame my failures with girls on bad luck. It's my stupiditys fault.