the "why am I at work" thread


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
(for general use purposes until new year's)

my big task for the day: plugging cables into a KVM for a rack of six computers

then I'm gonna try and write my year-end list for the site
I am at work because they finally got all the paperwork ready for our new VPN solution (that I finished configuring and tested and was on pilot since July without a glitch) last thursday so right now I am crazy busy with all the dumbasses that want their acces before going on vacation even though I know that none of them will use it. I also have to teach the pc support guys to actually configure and test this thing so that I can waste my time on message boards all day.
To eat two cookies for breakfast and say goodbye to my boss, whose last day this is.

Also I need to finish one project, which I did half of yesterday, and just found out I did it all wrong. Hooray for starting over.
I'm at work since I have to be. I'm processing books as the system's down.

I don't have to be at work tomorrow and will be watching a movie about fish.