The Wisdom of Scott Waldrop


Not For Wimps
Jun 29, 2006
North From Here
"True metal warriors are those who have the balls to stand against the trends (even if the trend is to sound like Helloween) and retrieve inspiration from their own idea bank."

"The mainstream has its pitiful version of extreme music (because it's the latest fad) like Machine Head and faggot music like that. Your average shithead listening to Rob Flynn (remember Vio-Lence!) wants to hear heavy music but his mainstream confines won't allow for him to hear anything outside of the poseur realm. The world is full of brainless pussies."

"If you're playing metal like some bump on a log it's probably because you can't play. Metal is over-the-top and nothing less. It's stupid to play like Black Sabbath and act like hippies. You're not. It's the nineties and you look like a fool by doing this. New standards have been set in the '80s and '90s and if you can't live up to them then you should get the fuck out of the metal scene. Everyone should be playing guitar like Yngwie Malmsteen and burning churches!"

"If Heavy Metal is catchy in the 'wrong' way then it's not metal and should be condemned. In other words if you find yourself humming something gay like Poison's "Nothing But A Good Time," then you have fallen victim to something that's catchy in the 'wrong' way. Then again, if you find yourself humming Poison's "Nothing But A Good Time," then you are gay. End of discussion."

All quotes are from an interview in Isten 100 (released 1999). I've wanted to like Twisted Tower Dire ever since I first read this, but wasn't able to do it until I got "Make It Dark."
For some sick reason I hated "Make it Dark" when it first came out, and I wanted to continue hating it until a few months ago I listened to it again and was thoroughly entertained the whole way through. Still not 100% sold on the new singer (who has the WAIYIAIYIAIYIAIYIAIYIAIDEST vibrato I can remember hearing) but it's hard to imagine Tony Taylor singing on some of the campier tracks
Make it Dark is one of my favorite albums that has come out in past years. I was thrilled being able to see them play most of it at Warriors Of Metal. They even played "White Shadow" because of my constant emails to them about it.
For some sick reason I hated "Make it Dark" when it first came out, and I wanted to continue hating it until a few months ago I listened to it again and was thoroughly entertained the whole way through. Still not 100% sold on the new singer (who has the WAIYIAIYIAIYIAIYIAIYIAIDEST vibrato I can remember hearing) but it's hard to imagine Tony Taylor singing on some of the campier tracks

I'm in the same boat. I think part of it is that when I first listened to it, everyone was raving about it, so I had insanely high expectations but when I revisited I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Why haven't they been booked for Ragnarokkr yet?

well mostly because we all just saw them a month ago at Warriors of Metal. I would love to have them at the is all up to mike.

If anyone wants bands on the mike and explain why you want them....this is the best way.
well mostly because we all just saw them a month ago at Warriors of Metal. I would love to have them at the is all up to mike.

If anyone wants bands on the mike and explain why you want them....this is the best way.

Didn't you also say because they don't draw?
Oh so the same reason Voltax and Seax aren't playing this year.

well smarty pants...I was going to have Ancient Dreams headline. Not anymore. Way to go.:loco:

Yeah, I seriously hope Bob didn't Actually say that about TTD, esp considering who has been booked thus far, but then again, opinions are like arseholes, so it doesn't really matter anyhow..............

Bob has a love affair with SEAX.
The only thing I will say about them which I REALLY appreciate is they are VERY good at promoting. I just dont like the whole new breed of "Lets make our recordings sound like shit so relive an era which we missed out on the first time" I just dont get that at all. I know that "being metal" is part of the shtick. I am just not the target market for it. Though Carmine Blades, the person, is pretty entertaining.
Voltax will be good for the fest for sure.

I still don't understand Bob's comment at all about how seeing them at Warriors of Metal would have any impact on why or why not they should play next year in Chicago.

So a grand total of what, like 10 people tops, who go to Ragnarokkr saw them this year?

Would those ten people say, "I am not coming to Ragnarokkr now since I saw TTD 10 months prior in Ohio"

Sorry Uncle Bob - Lots of fail in this thread!
What Bob said was "well mostly because we all just saw them a month ago at Warriors of Metal. I would love to have them at the is all up to mike." So the "fail" in this thread is due to Mike, not Bob.
What Bob said was "well mostly because we all just saw them a month ago at Warriors of Metal. I would love to have them at the is all up to mike." So the "fail" in this thread is due to Mike, not Bob. comment I made was based on me already getting to see a 75 minute set by them so I would rather see another band this next year since I just saw them recently. If you are confused Jason..let me explain...

say you just saw Band A. Then they were playing again in 6 months. But that same month another band you like was playing. You could only pick one band to see that month. Odds are you would see the band you haven't just seen recently. So this is what I meant in saying I just saw them so I don't want to see them on the fest at this time. Sure you could fill the remaining slots with tons of traditional metal bands and it would be killer. But then we are talking about the same turnout as last year and the year before. The fest needs to grow.

I love TTD. Would they be good for the fest. Hell yes. Would they bring in people who were already not coming? Doubtful. I know mike is looking for a few bands right now to bring in new people to the fest so right now TTD wouldn't be the best fit.
Nope, I understood it perfectly.

you clarified that its personal why they haven't been considered.
You guys saw them so why bother?

Just saying that it seems silly to ignore a band that seems to be in demand because you saw them. What about the other 150 people who will hopefully be attending? That was my point.

But yeah, anyhow, I agree that the remaining bands at this point need to be from genres not yet explored to ensure attendees.
Nope, I understood it perfectly.

you clarified that its personal why they haven't been considered.
You guys saw them so why bother?

Just saying that it seems silly to ignore a band that seems to be in demand because you saw them. What about the other 150 people who will hopefully be attending? That was my point.

But yeah, anyhow, I agree that the remaining bands at this point need to be from genres not yet explored to ensure attendees.

You beat me to it. Bob, don't be a selfish ass. It should be about the audience, not you.