The worst songs you've ever heard

The only thrash bands I listen to are Megadeth, Metallica, Testament, and Tourniquet, and only the first two are very high up on my list. Black metal is better, but thrash isn't bad.

You should really change that. Anthrax (Belladonna and Turbin era), Annihilator, Overkill (latest disc is amazing), Slayer, S.O.D., Death Angel, Forbidden (First two albums and the latest one), Kreator, Sodom, etc... they are all essential. If you just don't want to get into anymore thrash than what you currently listen to, that's fine, but if it's because you just don't know where to look, hit me up, I'll definitely help you out. Music is my passion and Thrash is at the top of my list. :Spin:
Well. Saying This sucks and That can french my hairless testicles is just flat out ignorant. I can hate rap as much as I want but there are people that experience the same positive uplifting emotions I do when I listen to my favorite band. This thread is here to point out some songs that stand out as BAD in quality and/or deliverance.

Dissing a whole genre is just off. I don't like black metal, mainly since it's all hellbent on paganism and atheism, it kills the creative spirit when you go Biblebashing in the opposite direction; nobody wants shit stuffed down their throat. But I respect it after all; it's a form of expression. Yeah...

Born and raised in South Detroit...there it goes again.. he took the midnight train going aaaaanywheeeere..

Furthermore you can't dis thrash, it's the most metal of all metals.
You should really change that. Anthrax (Belladonna and Turbin era), Annihilator, Overkill (latest disc is amazing), Slayer, S.O.D., Death Angel, Forbidden (First two albums and the latest one), Kreator, Sodom, etc... they are all essential. If you just don't want to get into anymore thrash than what you currently listen to, that's fine, but if it's because you just don't know where to look, hit me up, I'll definitely help you out. Music is my passion and Thrash is at the top of my list. :Spin:

I'm aware of pretty much all of those bands (except Forbidden). I used to listen to Slayer, but a lot of the lyrics just made me uncomfortable to listen to them, and distracted me from the music. But they weren't among my favorites anyway.

Dissing a whole genre is just off. I don't like black metal, mainly since it's all hellbent on paganism and atheism, it kills the creative spirit when you go Biblebashing in the opposite direction; nobody wants shit stuffed down their throat. But I respect it after all; it's a form of expression. Yeah...

What about "unblack" metal? Bands like Antestor, Admonish, Crimson Moonlight, Holy Blood?

Ok ok, so you don't like Journey, but you do like Metallica? Is this a fair compromise?

Not really, since Enter Sandman is one of the most overrated songs in the world. :lol:
I'll be honest; when I first got into metal I first searched for Christian metal then I took a glimpse at the more evilish metal bands. So that's why I know a great deal about Antestor, Crimson Moonlight, Renascent, Pantokrator, etc...
I like to listen to them; but true black metal never was appealing that much... There are gems, but only occasionally. I am still yet to cover a lot of ground.

That death metal puppy thing is a goldie, brilliant Ryan :D
I'm aware of pretty much all of those bands (except Forbidden). I used to listen to Slayer, but a lot of the lyrics just made me uncomfortable to listen to them, and distracted me from the music. But they weren't among my favorites anyway.

Not really, since Enter Sandman is one of the most overrated songs in the world. :lol:

If you are a fan of Theocracy, I can assume that you are at least somewhat religious, so I can understand not really enjoying Slayer. I'm probably the biggest Atheist you'll ever meet, but I can still see your point. I do find that point funny though, considering that I love Theocracy and have known them all for years, I don't try to hide who I am. They accept me (as far as I know... haha), and know I'll rock out in the front just as much, if not more than the next guy... (ask Matt about my drunken rendition of The Serpents Kiss at my going away party at a club in Athens GA that I rented before I moved up to MN... I had Theocracy headline. Sue recorded it all, and I was BLASTED singing it WAY out of tune while Matt handed me the mic. It was pretty terrible). As for Enter Sandman, I agree that it's overrated, but this isn't Enter Sandman... haha, it's Don't Stop The Sandman... bwhahahaha. This is also not the only song that this band mashed up. They did an entire album. Queen, Motley Crue, Judas Priest, Warrant, Ratt, Bryan Adams, Madonna, Paula Abdul, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Supertramp, etc... It's pretty amazing.
There is actually a band/genre incorporating dog barks into the music to make it heavier. Thank God I lost the link to that.