The WORST thing about Opeth is......

The repetition is necessary to the overall feel.

It's like deliberately holding a static shot in a movie.

You listen, and think "Okay, that's how this riff goes." Then you stop for a second. Then you listen again, more closely.. and you can always find something else there. There's a.. kind of meatiness to this music that allows chew it for some time to release all the flavours, that allows you to digest it thoroughly.

As for the worst thing about Opeth... I can't think of a "worst" thing at all. It's all good!
Duvall: I mean Opeth doesnt only repeat themselves within each albums. Alot of riffs sound the same. The structure of songs are basically still the same yet. etc
Its time for some change for the next album.
I hope it will happen.
Cause if not then theyll be the new AC DC along with Deicide. :)
Well, I couldn't disagree more with the "repetitive" complaint, but I guess that's simply opinion. Aside from Dirge, I don't think they're repetitive at all.

We had this thread before, and of course the conclusion was something sweet like "they've ruined all other music for me." :D gotta love that.
I don't see the repetitive complaint either, but we all have different ears. The only thing would ruin Opeth for me would be Opeth, and we all know that is not going to happen.
thats right lina.. only bad thing is they ruin other music :) but after a while your able to listen to otherstuff but.. i listen to any one of the opeth cds maybe 4 diffrent times a week.
opeth haven't ruined other music for me.
there are certainly bands that i like as much, if not more than opeth.
opeth have, however, ruined most other metal for me. because the vast, vast fact almost all of it is supremely inferior...
The repetition is necessary to the overall feel.

It's like deliberately holding a static shot in a movie.

Yep, that's how I figured it out too. They don't always succeed at that, but some moments are powerfully visual, like "Dirge for November" - repetitive and long, so what ?

D Mullholand
NP: Tangerine Dream - Electronic Meditation
i don't know, i haven't heard of this band, whats it called, oprah? what are they like? im new to this band..., whats Malinda? whats the story behind still life? why is the lyrics in MAYH like a story...:p
I think it's great that Opeth have relatively kept the same sound throughout their career. I've never particularly noticed it before, but compared to bands like My Dying Bride, Anathema and Katatonia (three of my favourites), Opeth have maintained the standard and general feel in all their albums.

But to the point- a thing that I don't like about them? I can't really think of much, but perhaps the poor drum production in the early albums. Although I love Morningrise as much as any album, so it's possible I'm just trying to find faults in a faultless enigma.