The YOUR BAND thread


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
Hey, all of you musicians here! This is going to be a thread in which you can showcase your own personal music, or band. Give some information about your sound, influences, any upcoming shows, as well as links, pics and soundfiles.

My band, for whom I play bass, is Assailant, a progressive metal quartet from Dayton Ohio. Our sound has been recognized as being influenced by early Fates Warning. We have highly melodic and complicated originals, as well as a few covers by Iron Maiden and Queensryche. We are playing at Bogart's (a Cincinnati venue) on July 17th.

Check out some of the sound files at , and we also have links for a few of our songs on guitar tab.

it's an instrumental of 9 minutes...i hope it's worth it...
Well, my band hasn`t got an official name yet( i think it`s to stupid to mention here, any ideas?).
We play pretty much everything, although lately we`ve just played neoclassical (prog) metal which i make for the band, we also do a cover of Yngwie`s Rising Force. Since we don`t have a keyboardplayer our possibilities are small for making grand epics with much orcchestration and all that. There`s NO ONE around here which plays it and it pisses me off! Still, it`s not a LARGE minus that i get to play all the solos in Rising Force............
I have two bands. A classic rock cover band, and a prog/whatever (neoclassical, power, I dunno) kind of band that just started. We don't have any songs finished yet, but we can do wicked covers of Erotomania and Overture 1928! :)
I know. I was blown away too. I wish he would have a band. It would be incredible !!!!

Don't forget us when ur famous Yngvai :(
Seriously though, i agree..that was spectacular, if you dont get well known some day for what u do, then the music industry just sucks.
Wow, thanks for all the feedback guys, I seriously am flattered. Im currently writing material for my first CD, which Im guessing will be completely finished this fall/winter. So, when its finally done I'll be sure to inform everyone :).
Well, we are 4 pc band, (bass, guitar, keyboard and me on the drums!)

The guitarist, kicks ass, he is very fast techcnical, a lot of Romeo influece.

The bass, it´s cool too, can play different styles, he has just played one time with us so I cant say too much about him

Keyboardist was the bass player before too, he can play anything and we just try him in the keys and it sounded cool, he can do cool ambient stuff. he is like a Pinella sound wirth some Rudess tech.

Me on the drums hehe

Well. we are gonna finish practicing Evolution, to see how it sounds and then we will gonna finish some of our original ideas we have.

C ya around
I have a one-man band (It's me, the guitarist) called Mysophobia...

I'm currently working on writing the songs for my first project, titled "Deli Meats"...

The project will really kick off once I learn how to get good at the guitar (I have only been playing three months)...

I'm currently trying to get my sister to start playing Bass, and I'm also convincing my friend to get out his drum kit and start practicing...
I'm the newest member in my band, which can be described as heavy/melodic metal.

I'm the bassist, and my younger brother is the singer. However, I'm really the only one influenced by progressive metal. The lead guitarist likes bands like Soilwork and In Flames, and the rhythm guitarist and drummer are into crap nu-metal.

They write the songs, I write the basslines. I make all my basslines progressive, but the songs aren't. I'm mainly in the band to just play out for experience - the kind of music they play isn't my style, and it's far too simple for me to be challenged.

Anyway, we have no music on the net (due to copyright issues), but here's our site:

The Link is in my signature...
And you can also d/l some of my personal work here: (pretty fucked up... :loco: