then what about Love

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What a pearrrrll thread I've found! :)

Well, "szerelem, szerelem, csak egy sapka a szívemen" ["love, love, it is just a cap on my heart"].

It's good I've been visiting UM since March only, last year I would've gone whining around how unfaithful boys are, but now I go whining around how expensive food is and how hungry I am and how sad it is if there's no one else to buy and make it for me.

Dunno... I want love, that's for sure. But it's sooo fucking stressful, and I'm just getting too tired sometimes. I guess that's why people get married and settled because they don't want stress.

Still, most of the time life looks too boring without love-stress.
course I have a dog, A big fuck off dog. actually I used to have two big fuck off dogs but one shuffled off this mortal coil a few years back.
Mind you i reckon the survivng one is gonna cash his chips in soon, he does'nt seem to well these days. :erk:
Bambi said:
course I have a dog, A big fuck off dog. actually I used to have two big fuck off dogs but one shuffled off this mortal coil a few years back.
Mind you i reckon the survivng one is gonna cash his chips in soon, he does'nt seem to well these days. :erk:

Oh, how old is he?

My small dog died jumping in front of a truck, she was only 1.5 yrs old.
hes about 12, which is old enuff for a german shepard
I think i'll get an akita if he pops his clogs that or a stick insect

dogs to have funny habit of playing chicken with cars alright, me cousins shepard was run over badly once, when the driver got out to see if she was alright, she went for him :lol:
Bambi said:
hes about 12, which is old enuff for a german shepard
I think i'll get an akita if he pops his clogs that or a stick insect

dogs to have funny habit of playing chicken with cars alright, me cousins shepard was run over badly once, when the driver got out to see if she was alright, she went for him :lol:

That's great, haha. Like a cheesy horror movie :)
hm, I met a really nice person last weekend *happy* :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

anyway, talking about love... hm, I still believe in it but I guess there isnt just one person for a life... dunno, with my last bf... I changed, he changed, we lost each other and didnt see it until another person opened my eyes...
Crack Hitler said:
Nah, the 'ment to be' stuff is just bull. It all depends on your current situation, her/his situation, the right time, the right place and above all, enough time. Then maybe -maybe- the result is luuv.
:erk:i hate this thread... bringing me bad crack?