

Apr 20, 2003
Do you believe in reincarnation? Is there anyone out there who thinks of themselves as "spiritual" or spiritually "aware"? It's something people are often scared of or don't like to talk about, but then fear of the unknown is something that can be conquered by confrontation, so that's why I like to ask.
i just had a meeting with this woman, and we discussed our past and present. yes, i believe in reincarnation, and i believe i picked the people i live amongst, coz i wanted the life i'm leading. with all the pain and happiness i encounter(ed).
the other day, i met this girl who is basically my gf right now. i believe we knew each other before long.

i had a 'subconcious' session a year ago, where the woman who guided me told me that my dad and i (he died 5 yrs ago) have been soulmates since forever - entwined throughout time. i hope our souls will meet very very soon. i miss him a lot.

i dont know how many past lives i've had, but something tells me i'm somewhere in the middle right now.

it's strange, coz i had this feeling the board would utter such a thread sometime soon, cheers Darren.
piet in think in all honesty that there is no foundation for the truth in anything you just said. anything is possible though and i respect your opinion. hard to say what the truth actually is. humans are great at finding their own truth and sticking to that. i am open minded enough to realise i will never KNOW the truth
pagan2002 said:
(...)to realise i will never KNOW the truth

i completely agree. that's what i think. you can't take anything for sure, we are too little to know and understand all these big things. idea of reincarantion or god are just ways to find our own truth, but most probably we'll never be able to know the truth, i guess it's beyond human capabilities.
exactly, thats why i gave up. im not arsed trying to change/understand things i cant change/understand.
I don't believe in anything. So far no one came back as a proof of life after death. Communication with spirits is not scientifically proved and if there's nothing after death then we just can"t know. That's it, there"s no way to know. So i'll wait and when my time has come I'll have a surprise whether good or not, or maybe just nothing. But not tomorrow please.
so far noone went back to the womb to inform embryos about if there's "life" after being born or not.. sounds similar. i think death is such a fucking simple thing that we all will laugh on it. Still we can have some senses, feelings about the "outside" world.. infinite layers..
What I'm the most sure about is that Hell doesnt exist, there's no bigger punishment than life :)
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
no i mean, is not having any belief a system of belief in itself?
if this was a form i had to fill out, and one box said "system of belief", then yes - that's where i would put "i hold no beliefs". ..if that answers the question. :Spin:


o_O consider doing a headache thread..
pagan2002 said:
piet in think in all honesty that there is no foundation for the truth in anything you just said.

no, but it keeps me hanging on mate. i just have to give myself some kind of 'placebo' to keep myself sane at times. i know there cant be any truth, coz there is no truth, as all will remain a personal interpretation of what *feels* real. not wat *is*. nothing is. at all.

anything is possible though and i respect your opinion.

preci8 that ;)

hard to say what the truth actually is. humans are great at finding their own truth and sticking to that. i am open minded enough to realise i will never KNOW the truth

same here mate, but all options have to be weighed in order to get further in many ways and philosophies. some options just stick better to my mind, and as said, keep me sane at times, certainly concerning meeting and losing people.

but to round this up: i know that some moment in time i will experience the full truth of this whole concept that is called life/death/existence. there must be a reason to all this, i just cannot accept any form of "it just is all crap". no way hose.

perhaps we remember it on a special brain level that we have to learn to access to evolve into those things
Once again a stupid smart-arse pure bullshit thread. We die. Period. Even fuckin chimpanzees know that. That's a scientific fact.