Who is who?!

*Morgana let Phyros return as a human*
its a requirement dude.........you need to be 80%+ paranoid to post on the good UM forums like DT and Vintersorg. Thought you knew that............
@f_v I thought I knew it all....now after seeing phyros eating our rabbit and the becoming one and now being the phyros we all once knew, I know I know nothing....

and yeap, know nothing is one of the best things to keep following the great aim in life "stupid post, stupid reply" :)
well it took me some time to work it out!!!!!!!
I'm not that intelligent you mr.nice guy!

fathervic (who thinks that his own intelligence is of his own business, if he already had some!!!!!)

and that's my last and only post here for today, tomorrow I'll have to hunt down the threads (all of them) I haven't read today....argggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
good night you all! oh! and dream with angels of your oposite sex (unless you're homosexual offcourse)!
hmm.........see you in post thread hell fathervic because this forum is more active by the day, youll be replying to two pages of threads! MUWHAHAHA:muahaha:
well that's a kick in the ass!!!!
I don't have that time......
I just won't be able if things keep growing to read all the threads....shit....now that I came to like your ugly face!