
Light said:
I actually believe there's something very, very weird going on. All around us, all the time. And it's been going on for a very long time. And it worries me... and I'm not sure why.

yeah well it's called life or 'complete shite and smelly bollocks'
Strangelight said:
does the idea of dying do your head in like? no more anything ever...argh hehe

Yeh. I used to think that crap quite a lot, kinda gets you if you think about it too much. Thanks for reminding me. hah. But then again realising that death is forever puts stuff into perspective so hopefully you try to make the best out of the time that's left...

hmm.. sorry if I repeated some stuff already said. Didn't scroll through all of it.
I've never given much thought to death, I feel I have enough problems on hand, I can have at least a tiny impact on.
I remember way back really liking the thought of reincarnation though.
Strangelight said:
I dont think we'll know anything :ill:

Actually i wanted to write ' we'll know one day or maybe we'll know naught '
Hope you get what i mean.
Personnaly I have no conviction about such matters.
I'll see ... or maybe not ! :lol:
Having spent a large part of my latter years in search of oblivion, I can't say I mind the idea really... I just hope it doesn't get any *worse*... you never know... perhaps this is the nice bit, and the really fucked up shit comes on t'other side like... What An Uplifting Thought!
i wouldnt mind void. so you couldnt complain about it cause youre not conscious of it. thats the perfect plan for me. but im afraid it doesnt go that way.
Strangelight said:
my guess is that it was a Russian spy from the 1950's in its former life but karma has caught up with it

if you gave me 60€, i would tell you if youre right or not.
Strangelight said:
Theres a dead cow outside my window, its probably the deadest thing Ive ever seen, it almost looks fake.
Whats the score now you reckon? Cow afterlife?

dead skin milk?? :ill:

the other cows on the farm whacked her and dumped her body cos they caught her squeelling to the pigs. :tickled: