Theocracy: The Making of a Japanese Bonus Track

Downloading... Something tells me I'm going to laughing my ass off again...
No! You're serious! Hmmm, moving to Japan crossed my mind...

Still brought a smile to my face every now and then. :)
It seems to me we'll hear some moaning on the new album, a song will stop in the middle and you'll hear Matt saying "Pluck this, I'm goin' home! *screeech* "
Ooh, The Wages of Sin... sounds deadly! Shame us American's can't acquire it without spending excessive amounts of money.
Great vid. I would kill to become theocracy bassist (not literally ehum) but I'm not even as good as you Matt, lol. And I AM a bassist, haha.

But dude.. Now I'm gonna have to import the japan version.... What did our japanease friends do to deserve another song? 'Tis not fair, I tell ya! :]
that was fun :). thanks for the insight matt! looking forward to more.

i agree with the others guys and what you yourself said - when you get a chance - take a vacation! you deserve it!!!

i think i could probably hang with you as a bass player and would be very devoted to the band, but i live 6 hours north of you :( but i have a music ministry starting up here that i had mentioned to you that i'm taking very seriously anway :) i'm sure God will send you the right guy (or girl) when the time is right!

prayin' for you bro,
hope to come see a show sometime soon,
I'm going to be thinking about spiders, spiders, spiders... the rest of the day!!! ;)

That was pretty cool. Especially the choir part. I really liked the other choir clip you gave us a while back. Very interesting.

:headbang:Matt Smith - A Choir of One :headbang:

These hearing a few seconds with all the instruments mixed in are such a tease!:rolleyes:
Wow... Matt you keep surprising me, man! You're singing is just, you know... crazy... freakin' awesome!!! I don't know where to go or what to do when I hear this man it almost makes me cry hahah. Great singing. Great choir. Also very interesting to see how much work you put into it to make it perfect.

I gotta say, matt, you're totally worth every nice word people have been saying here, and that's not even enough. And thanks for doing this.

Everytime I hear new music from you guys I get completely blown away. Keep it up!
God bless you!